Chapter One

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I take a deep breath and step out onto the sidewalk with clenched fingers. I am suddenly being hit by a wave of water as a car drives past me and drenches my shivering body in muddy water.

"Why does every worst thing imaginable have to happen to me?" I mutter anxiously.

Groaning exasperatedly, I continue walking on the sidewalk while holding my umbrella with a tight grip. My ombré colored brown hair was soaking wet from the rain, my makeup was probably smudging, and I was freezing my head off. Did I mention I have the worst luck? It's a rainy day in Chicago, and the forecast was Quinn with a side of trouble.

"Oh God..." I stop dead in my tracks. "Oh no, oh no, oh no! I'm going to be late!" I look down at my Hello Kitty watch (that I should mention Mom found absolutely adorable, and determinedly made me wear) and bolt towards 8th Avenue Street with my umbrella in tow.

Today was the day that I start my first day of work at the Red Tree Cafe, and I wasn't exactly the go-to gal when it came to being on time. I'd blame that on my bad luck, but I didn't want to jinx it. It was 9:58 AM and I was two minutes away from missing my door to opportunity. I reach the entrance to the cafe and close my umbrella as I fall into the nearest chair. I'm completely oblivious to the entire cafe watching me wheeze dramatically as I try to catch my breath.

"Quinn! You've made it!" I turn my head towards the source of the sound. "I thought you wouldn't be able to come because of the bad weather we're having today. Im glad you're here now!" The relieved voice came from one of the biggest "half glass full" people I've known since I was little. It was Mrs. Renee, the owner of the cafe. She was like family to me and gladly opened a position in her cafe when she heard I needed a job.

"Mrs. Renee," I get up from my seat in my soaking wet attire and walk towards her for a hug.
On second thought- I put my outstretched arms down awkwardly as rainwater continues to drip from the sleeves- I'd rather not.
"I wouldn't miss my first day here for the world. You don't know how much this means to me, and how much I appreciate you doing this."

"It's nothing, Quinn. No need to thank me. I am so glad that you took this position." She turns around and from behind a counter she pulls out a bright red and dark brown apron with a matching visor.

"Ok, talk about cheesy. I have to wear this?" I think as I take the outfit with a wide smile.
"Thanks, Mrs. Renee! I won't disappoint you!" I secretly cross my fingers and envision a cartoon version of myself as a hippie sending positive vibes against my bad luck. I confirm the fact that I have issues.

I wave goodbye to Mrs. Renee as she heads into her room at the back of the cafe and tie my apron behind my back. I grab the maroon colored visor (I dare mention that it had a little drawing of an oak tree and a coffee cup), and slap it on my head while taking in my surroundings.

Taking a deep breath, I stand at the cash register and take a napkin to dab it at my face, as I hopelessly try to look more human-like and less like Medusa. I run my fingers through my wet hair and end up tying it into a quick side braid. "So much for Katniss Everdeen," I say sarcastically as my braid hangs lifelessly to the side.

The cafe was quiet today, occupying about 6 people excluding myself and Mrs. Renee, and it was surprisingly peaceful. It was probably because I hadn't served any customers yet.

A song by Mozart, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Movt 1 (Trust me, I know my Mozart), plays in the background as the sweet, glorious, and nostalgic smell of fresh coffee fills the room. How could this get any better?

I am busying myself with the task of making a boat out of a single napkin as the doorbell jingles, signaling that someone was entering. I jump with surprise and frantically brush the "napkinboat" I had made off to the side, and look up to greet my first customer.

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