Chapter Five

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Cyril Rioux.

I remembered that name as clear as day. How could I have forgotten him? The green eyed, brown haired boy who always used to crack jokes just to make me smile. The one who I used to share secrets and brownies with.

My childhood friend. My first best friend.

I was suddenly brought back to the 3rd grade.


I was sitting outside in the grass, coloring during break time. My ears perk up as I hear boys laughing maniacally, while another boy is quietly telling them to stop. Looking up, I see him.

There were a group of boys surrounding Cyril, laughing and yelling at him. One of the boys walked into the circle and gave Cyril a shove. He fell to the ground and tears began flowing down his face.

The boy in the middle didn't seem to be finished. "Hey Cyril, why don't you go tell your Mommy to get you new clothes? Or are you too poor for that?"
He sneered down at Cyril and the group of boys cheered him on.

"Do you want some of my sandwich? You look like a stick. A very wimpy one. Oh that's right, you're too poor to eat!"

Cyril stared dejectedly at the ground without saying anything.

"Get up and fight me, twig. I might give you some money for food if you win."

The pompous brute bent down and grabbed Cyril's ear.

"Look at me when I'm TALKING to you."

I couldn't stand to watch it anymore. I put down my crayons and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the group of bullies.

I made way for the one in the middle.
"HEY. What do you THINK you're doing, you big meanie?"

He turned around to look at me.
"Oh hello there Quindolyn. You look very UGLY today."

"NOBODY calls me by that name."

I grabbed the scruff of his shirt and brought his face down to my eye level.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, you big jerk. Leave Cyril ALONE. Leave this playground with your stupid little friends and don't even think twice about coming back. Or ELSE I will make sure your Mommy AND the principal hear about what you did to Mr. Sampson's fish tank last week."

His eyes widened in surprise.

"That's right. I saw ALL of it, you monster. I see and hear everything that happens in this school."

I leaned towards his ear and whispered threateningly.
"If you EVER talk to Cyril or me like that again, you'll WISH you couldn't speak. That goes for anybody else you pick on. DON'T even think about it."

I let go of his shirt and stared menacingly around the circle. The boy in the middle stared at me like he had recieved a mental punch to the face. He nervously grabbed at his shirt, then made a quick turn and ran away with his friends following behind.

"I'd have to say that was one of you best comebacks yet, Maldor."

I looked towards the sound that came from the voice. It was Cyril.
He was still teary-eyed from earlier, but a bright gleam shone in his green eyes.

I bent down and sat next to him. Grabbing his hands, I examined them for any blood or injuries.
"They were making fun of you, Cyril. You didn't say anything and just took in all of what they said. I couldn't just sit there watching you."

He brushed his hands off of mine and stared at them.
"I-I can defend myself, Quinn. They just caught me off guard."

"You said that the last dozen times someone bullied you, too."

I stared pleadingly into his eyes.

"Cyril, you're my best friend. My first best friend. Remember what my Dad told us the other day? Real friends are the ones who always have each others backs. They're there for each other. I'm here for you, and you're always there for me."

He stared at the ground.

"Thanks Quinn. Erm- You'vesavedmeagain."
He said hurriedly as his face turned a shade of bright red.

I smiled contently at his blushing face and rose to leave. I held out a hand for him and he took it. I expected him to let go, but he kept it firmly held with mine.

"Hey, Quinn?"

"Yeah, Cyril?"

"I don't think you're ugly at all."

He looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

I gently tightened my grip with Cyril's hand as we walked hand in hand back to the school.

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