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Title- jealous.
Words- 500+
Request- Yes!
TW- Swearing.
Description- Karl and Sapnap flirt with M/N and Quackity wasn't having any of it.

(I hate this one shot it's bad, but don't worry the rest will get better, I'm not the best at flirting. I'm also writing this in class so.)


M/N was just streaming with Karl, sapnap and his boyfriend Quackity when the drama started. It didn't even mean to happen. It was just harmless flirting.

"M/N what the honk?"

"What?! I was only punching you with my love, it must of been to much that you died from it."

"Aww, you know that's why I love you,"

"Mwah!... oh do you have any iron?"

"Of course! But only for you Okay?"


Karl walks of to get some iron from his house when M/N gets the notification someone else joined the discord call.


"Simpnap! Do you simp for me?"


"Aw, please can you?"

"No, as much as I want to, you asked."

"Please sapnappy, Karl Simps for me so I think you should to."

"Fine but only because Karl does to."

Sapnap crouch's and walks over to your crouching character giving it a peck on the lips.

"I'm back, what is going on here? Trying to steal my husband away from me?"

"Nuh uh M/N is my husband."

"Oh yeah, well, um, I thought I was your husband M/N." You were sure Karl was pouting right now."

"No he is not because he's MY boyfriend." A new voice joins the conversation.

"Quackity? How long have you been here?" You ask.

Quackity has been there the whole time. Him and Karl joined your discord at roughly the same time so he heard everything You, Karl and sapnap said.

And he didn't enjoy it one bit. You could tell because he was actually streaming, so his face cam was on. Which meant he had a scowl on his face.

"I think we should go now M/N."

"But, why? It was just harmless flirting, besides aren't you married to them?"

"Not anymore," he leaves the call.

"Well, I guess I have to go see you later guys... Sorry about that chat it seems I have to leave early, I'll see you in a few!"

The stream ended, and not shortly after, a angry Quackity stormed in and grabbed your hand.

He then went on the bed (I see you dirty minded people, you have been caught!) and cradled you in his arms.

You laugh, "I think someone may be jealous."

"Jealous? No, I'm just high."

You turn around to face him, "Quackity, everyone gets jealous sometimes, I got jealous when I first heard you and Schlatt were married on the smp, then with Karl and Sapnap. But it's natural, you don't have to hide it, you can just tell me and I'll stop."

He silent for a moment, "Thank you."

"No problem." You say and peck his lips. "Now let's watch some shitty soap opera."

Next- Technoblade.

A/N yeah I still hate this one shot so sorry to the person who requested it, I might edit your request in the future, but please I promise you, my other oneshots will be better!

I also love hearing your comments you guys are funny 😄, I would reply but something is not allowing me to.

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