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Title- Marry me?
Words- 1000+
Request- Yes!
TW- Swearing.
Description- Where M/N try's to propose to bad but bad things keep happening.

(Lots Of people requested a bbh fluff so three in one! I've also decided that I feel a bit uncomfortable doing the lime because as I said I am asexual and would have no idea what I would be doing, so it would be rubbish anyway. But I will be doing there request as Dream and a non binary reader!)


M/N has been thinking for quite sometime now. Should he do it or not? He was thinking of proposing to bad on their 4 year Anniversary.

He was thinking of doing it last year, but something came up and the special ring he asked for didn't work. It was a ring but the jewel inside had a carved picture of rat.

But this year the ring was ready, it was a sign right? A sign that he should do it..

So he planned.. and planned.. and planned, until he finished, and had to set it up.

The plan was that they were going to go to bads favorite restaurant, order, eat, then go to a cinema, watch a film and after all of that he would take bad to the top of a big building, under the stars, and propose.

So thats what he did. Except bad just started streaming something important to the dream smp.

Now what were you going to do? So, you were going to be held back a bit?

After about an hour you decided you would text Dream, tell him what is going to happen and see if he lets bad go.


Hey dream.. so I was planning on proposing to bad today, I had a whole plan set up but he started streaming? I waited one hour but can he get Of now, I don't want to seem rude so you don't have to but it would be a great help if you do! Thanks!
- M/N

Hey! So sorry we ruined your plans, of course he can, we will tell him something came up and i had to go? He may be worried but I'm sure he will understand when he gets back!
- Dream

Okay, so now he would stop streaming and you could go on with your plans.

About 10 minutes later bad came out of his streaming room.

"Hey.. something happened and dream let us all go early, do you reckon he's okay?"

"I'm sure he's doing fine.. but remember we have plans for that restaurant?"

"Oh! Of course, I'll just get changed and we can go!"


M/N and bad were walking hand in hand towards the restaurant, making small talk while walking.

After a 25 minute walk they arrived and went over to the man behind the desk.

"Hello, reservation for L/N?"

"L/N?" The man says, "I'm sorry your reservation has been taken already, you didn't come I time so we had to give it to another couple."

"Seriously? Is there something else you can do? Like another table?"

"I'm sorry sir, the restaurant is very full tonight."

"For fucks sake I made the reservation first and you give it to a low life couple? I paid with my own fucking money, and now it's wasted! I DEMAND a refund! This is a shit restaurant and always will be, come on bad we're leaving."

(It's a rich restaurant that's why you pay to make a reservation and they don't go there often.)

"I'm sorry bad, for swearing, and that you don't get to eat at your favorite restaurant.."

"Hey don't be sad! It's okay! We can just get some food at McDonald's?"

You sigh, "sure.."

So there was another mishap? That doesn't matter just focus on the proposing part.


"So what film we watching?" Bad asks as we arrive at the cinema.

"F/F." (Favorite film.)

"Cool, I like that film!"

You get your tickets, popcorn and walk into the theater.

Sitting down in the correct seats the film starts and everything is fine. Until you start to choke on the popcorn.

"M/N? Are you okay?" Bad says in a panicked voice.

You give him a really? Look and went back to choking. After about 3 minutes of choking someone came over and helped you get the popcorn out of your throat.

Red in your face you scream, "Fucking hell, oh my god! Bad we are leaving I've had enough bullshit for today! I just need a break!"

Walking out, without bad as he was picking up your stuff you scream. "FUCK!" So the whole theatre could hear.

"Sorry everyone he's had a stressful day.." bad says walking out apologizing to everyone he sees.


Bad finally finds you after asking one of the cinemas workers where you were.

"There you are! What are you doing on the cinema roof?"

You don't answer and stare into space while sitting on the ledge.

"Can you get over here? Your scaring me."

"Hey bad?" You say standing up and walking over to him.

"I've been trying to do this all day, but every time I tried to do a good thing bad always followed with it. I contemplated just not doing it, but I can't, I love you to much for that, so bad." You get down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

He looks at you tears welling up in his eyes. "Oh my you silly muffin of course I will marry you!" He says putting his hand out for the ring to be put on it.

You put it on, get up and give him a kiss and a big hug.

The rest of the night you and bad lay there, cuddled up watching the stars and people walk by.

While in the middle of bad playing with your fingers, (don't ask why that's in most of my oneshots I find it really cute) he asks, "Can rat be my bridesmaid?"

You laugh, "Of course."

He smiles and looks at you, "I love you to M/N.."

Next- Sapnap.

Please be paitent with me I will be getting round to your request but I also have school!

Dream Smp x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now