21 - in loving memory of paul walker

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Fine Line
real life

3 months later....

"how are you today, charlotte?" a gentle voice asked.

charlotte cleared her throat and moved around to sit more comfortable. she took a moment to breathe and let herself feel safe and calm with her surroundings, "i'm okay... i uh woke up early today-- naturally, no alarms or anything just the nice sunshine, i guess".

she looked out the window to see the large beautiful greenhouse. the breathtaking plants looking full of life and so peaceful, so gentle....she envied them.

she watched them grow bigger and stronger everytime she came back here. jealousy crawled on her.

and they watched her as well, every morning... head down, eyes lost, and body slowly trying to return back to how she used to be; full of life, peaceful, gentle, big and strong. they laughed at her, in her eyes they thought of her as pathetic. the butterflies that flew around seemed to agree as well. she was pathetic, trying to get better knowing she won't ever be.

the birds sang, not too loud and not too soft. they sang a mesmerizing song. a gentle tune, sometimes it'd calm her, other times it'd make her breakdown.

they bathed under the sun in the fresh water that fell from the rocky water fountain, specifically made for them.


she hummed a response back never looking away from the window.

"how are you... truthfully this time"

she inhaled deeply, memories clouding her mind. she used to feel that happy. she missed that feeling, and she knew her friends and family did too.

but she missed him. she missed him so much. she missed him in the mornings. she missed him in the nights and she missed him every second of everyday that she lived without him.

"i'm just so exhausted.. i'm so tired all the time." she whispered a small tear falling from the corner of her eye. she continued to look out the window, "i keep trying to pull myself together and learn to accept it, but i just can't- i can't. not when...when he raised me... when he cared for me. i feel selfish"

Luisa, her therapist, watched her carefully, trying not to show her pity, "why do you feel selfish?" she asked, knowing what she would say.

"you know why" she mumbled, wiping her tears.

luisa waited a few seconds for charlotte to hold herself up. "why do you feel selfish?" she asked again.

charlotte didn't like this part of the sessions, the part where she gets asked over and over until she finds something new to reveal unknowingly.

"because i'm not his daughter... i'm not loosing a father.. i'm just..i was-"

"a daughter to me!" his happy distant voice cut her off.

charlotte didn't want to look. she knew what would happen if she looked at the tv, at that video. at him.

"charlotte is like my little girl. she's so funny, man i'm telling you this ten year old is going places!" he laughed "char! come here real quick!"

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  ▻ 𝘥𝘺𝘭𝘢𝘯 𝘰'𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now