27 - jealousy jealousy

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liked by stevenrmcqueen, tylerhoechlin and 120,289 others

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liked by stevenrmcqueen, tylerhoechlin and 120,289 others

enews: 'The Vampire Diaries' actor, Steven R. Mcqueen, talks about his crush on 'The Fosters' actress, Charlotte Jones and more! What are you're thoughts? Do you ship them?

tagged: stevenrmcqueen, charlottejones

view all 37,092 comments

username: fuck no

username: in the nicest way, she's not desperate enough to stoop that low

username: i can't see them together tbh

username: steven reading these comments: 😀

username: they would look so cute together!
↳ username: you're literally 12 go play with your barbies

username: um.... anyways stan dylan o'brien

username: her besties ain't gonna be happy bout this one

username they're hot just not together

username: dylan stans sit down y'all are embarrassing 🤡
↳ username: says the bitch that cosplays
↳ username: literally tho 🤨 bae you need help setting your account private?

username: i get why he'd have a crush on her i mean look at her

username: steven never opening his mouth again after these comments 💀

username: i ship them! let's call them the titanic!!

username: dylan rn: everybodyy wanna steal my girllll - ("bestfriend")

dylanobrien: lmao
enews: 👀 what's this?..... jealousy?
dylanobrien: no dumbass. read over YOUR stupid caption again. how do you not know the difference?? so 1. you can't write properly and 2. you can't stop trying to put words in other people's mouths?? YOU'RE a joke lmao dumbass.

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