07 - dyl pickle

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dylan didn't always have a nice attitude with people once they've woken him up from a nap or his "beauty" sleep but right now he found himself smiling at his screen as the facetime call connected and showed a smiling brunette on the other side.

"dylan!!" greeted charlotte through the phone as she walked down the aisle and of a nearby grocery store

"that's my name" yawned dylan as he sat up from his bed to pay attention

charlotte glanced back down to her screen and acknowledged his appearance "omg did i wake you up? i'm so sorry! nevermind then i'll call you later"

"no no hey it's okay i needed to get up either way" lied dylan to not make her feel bad "what's up?"

she hesitated for a moment before responding "it's going to sound dumb now but i'm at the store right? and i saw some dill pickles and i thought about you and how funny it would sound so now your contact name is dyl pickle in my phone"

a small silence fell between them both but then dylan's laughter immediately filled her phone as a small smile played her lips and embarrassment rose to her cheeks. "dylan! stop laughing it's supposed to be a nice thing!"

he finally responded as his laughter slowly died "it is a nice thing but that's funny a pickle?. really charlotte?"

"i do something nice and i get laughed at wow just great! nice going, dyl"

"oh c'mon you know it's not like that, lottie"

charlotte stopped strolling her cart at the nickname that was just said; it's not that she didn't like that he said it, in fact she thought it felt nice coming from his sleepy voice but charlotte had never really liked that nickname. the only other person who had ever called her that was her uncle. she grew up getting called that by him everyday until he passed away so ever since she's disliked being called it.

"lottie." repeated charlotte in her warm australian voice

"yeah, do you not like it? i thought you'd-"

"no it's fine i like it, it sounds nice dyl"

the actor released a sigh of relief  "oh okay good because char is so overrated and i'm not basic"

"it's char" corrected the australian with a smirk "people think it's char as in ch but it's as sh so really it's sharlotte but i just don't like correcting anyone since everyone is used to it" continued charlotte as she once again started pushing her cart down the aisle.

"does it bother you?" questioned dylan

"not as much as it did before but i guess it's just an american thing " responded the actress

"probably but you shouldn't have to deal with it"

although charlotte didn't mind people pronouncing her name wrong it still stayed on the tip of her tongue it's like an awful aftertaste that stays for longer than intended. she blames the australian in her for never correcting anyone but really she just doesn't want anyone to feel embarrassed.

"yeah but it's fine though i don't go insane cause of it or anything" stated charlotte as she reached for a lucky charms cereal box

dylan on the other hand was laid back against his headboard with a smile still on his face "i don't know lottie you picked out two jars of pickles that sounds kinda strange to me"

"correction it's dyl pickles"

"i don't understand why you like pickles they're sour and gross and they smell weird" he said as he connected his charger to his phone

"i mean im friends with you what's the difference" sassed charlotte

"i'm hanging up i didn't ask to be attacked!" joked dylan as he put his hand over his heart with a hurt expression on his face as charlotte laughed at his idiocy

"stop being such a baby, dyl" charlotte mumbled

"fuck you!"

the two continued to talk about random things for about ten more minuets until charlotte had to pay and hang up.

"well thank you for making my lonely grocery shopping ride less lonely"

dylan didn't even realize they had been on facetime for over half an hour "oh what, already?"

"don't start crying on me now. it would've been earlier but you distracted me, the plan was originally 20 mins tops"

"i've been known to be quite the distraction" dylan said giving her a wink through the phone

"you cocky piece of shit" laughed charlotte

"ladies love it"

"poor them but hey are you going to posey's rage next week?" asked charlotte as she made her way down the aisle.

"his what?" questioned the confused actor as he tried not to laugh

"ugh you americans" charlotte said as she let out an exasperated sigh "party. i mean party. are you going to it next week?"

"oh his valentine's day theme party thing, yeah i am it sounds fun i guess. are you going?"

charlotte gave a small nod "yep holland would drag me personally there if i didn't go"

he didn't show it but dylan was over the moon excited to finally see the girl he used to have a crush on back in 2011 he was also looking forward to see her after the constant texting and phone calls the two had made in the past few weeks. they both hadn't realized just how fast the two got along but it didn't matter to them because they've never felt comfortable. "so then i guess i'll see you on the 12th"

"yup but don't miss me too much o'brien"

"i'll try my best jones" sarcastically spoke back dylan

she gave a small wave at the camera "bye"

"bye" finished dylan as the call disconnected and showed his reflection off the black screen. his back fell back into his fresh mattress as certain things rushed over his mind.

february 12th

dyl pickle

how am i going to sleep again

what time's the mets game


updated!! i know it's short but that's cause i'm working on the other dylan books rn too but anyways thank you for reading and special thank you to the people who vote and comment! even if it's something little it still goes a long way

thank you for 600+!

^ that was meant to be published a while ago so even bigger thank you for 900+ reads! luv you all

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