One || RS

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I kept singing alone with song smoothly till it stopped.
"I'm tired, it's torture,,they have been pulling us together and it's been 2 weeks we have been doing the same again and again." Woozi complained and sighed.

"Life bro bruh life..pledis high is always evil." Hoshi came along.

"U kids just can do what is to complain..bear it,, bear it- can't u?" Joshua hong walked in wearing fancy glasses which I assume to be Vernon's.

i smiled and laid down on floor. "somethings up with our han these days.he just keeps shut and smiles suddenly..maybe he loves someone!!!" seungheol screamed and i kicked him "smiling doesn't means i fell for someone..u even smile at the dog we met everytime out of house mean u love it?" i said and stood up fixing my dress.
"i have nothing more to fight." seungcheol took a sip of his americano.

We all took bags and started to move towards our classes.

"Oh I can make it right." Someone sighed and I looked back and saw a girl with side bangs her face wasn't seen properly but her hairs floating in air was seen perfectly.

I ran to classroom hearing the first warning bell.
"its all gonna be fine." I sat and looked up at taehyung who's also a student like me.

"U know I heard, hybe high and pledis high are making deal with us students." Jimin said from backbench. 
"i knew it all time, right?" seungcheol also joined.

suddenly a girl with a blue bag, pink hoodie, untied hair walked in and smiled with shining eyes.

"im san anha..hello everyone." she bowed and walked to last bench.

"she is sun,,?" joshua said in  english not knowing the surname.
"idiot its S A N not S U N. san is a rare surname." vernon shouted while passing beside our classroom.

"teacher is in hospital so here will be no one to maintain here so i'll be the one to maintain as a class rep." seungcheol ran out and put CD on.

"oh my god, everyday up and down. u are the one who soaked me. i failed to control myself." i heard from back and saw that girl anha mumbling.

'maybe this girl is in love.'  i mumbled and smiled finding it stupid.

"guys she is san anha,...she got here for her amazing piano skills..due to students book she has won awards for singing." seungcheol smiled and fake caughed.
"means she is a rival of jeonghan now." joshua laughed and looked back.

"what rival i think they would make a rival for class A." seungcheol winked.

i didnt look back being uninterested to all.

"MOM! I FORGOT MY PRACTICE BOOK!!!!!!" taehyung suddenly screamed and i threw glare at him.

"u are so dead." i sighed and stood. "what?"
"this class is so poor..." i walked out and went to arts room.

behind me seungcheol, joshua also came and we all sat togther.
"hyung?" hoshi noticed us passing.

suddenly it got 7 of us.

"truth or dare?" hoshi giggled and we all nodded.

"truth...seongcheol said and we all looked at us.

"do u have a sister?" joshua said pouting.
"Ok ok." 

" u truth is 100% loss." joshua said and looked at me "dare."
"text some random one and say 'take me' . " woozi said and i was about to slap him.

"he is a it." joshua laughed and jun giggled out.

i took out my phone cursing them. 
"someone u dont know." seungcheol said and i  randomly type a number.

unknown >>

hey, take me

A/N :  hello! Stay with me!
=> to old readers- it was 'bus fare' if u can remind so i just made it through it, thanks keep reading
Happy Reading! (〃` 3′〃)

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