Thirteen || RS

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joshua left the place soon, where anha stayed back.

"hi." she suddenly said and giving an answer i nodded.

her head slowly titled down smiling "lollypop?" 
"thanks." i took it and placed it in a side of my bag. "eat it, for takin i have a lot." anha smiled and shook my head "what do u mean?" i took it back on my hand and put it in my mouth.

"can i pat your head?" anha suddenly said and i chocked I, "wae?" i asked back.
"ok, i didn't mean it sinceI didn't expect anything." she again said with a sight of sorrow.

"its not like that, just that just ask everytime if u wanna touch." i said and lowered my head seeing a smile on her face.

'what's wrong with me?'

her hand touched my head, i could feel it. 

"Flat af-"

it was time when we both walked into class, one after another.

as i sat, joshua ran in and put his phone up to my eyes.
"WHAT THE!" i stood up in seat.
it was a photo from before when anha tried patting on my head, "is this even something to leak?"

"probably yeah." i heard anha and turned back "cuz u r famous, u r a was my fault and it'll be if it gives a problem in your trainee life."  i heard her.

"are u mad?" i said slowly asked, "no, im anha." a smile got on my face as i started to laugh.

"guys?" joshua laughed and all students were looked back at us.

"han.." as i looked at anha, the teacher walked in so it got cut off.


'did i already fall for him?'

i sighed heavily and saw joshua looking a me.

"it doesn't matter until u are with jeonghan." he suddenly said and my jaw fell "did i say it loudly?" i asked and he shook his head.
"i can hear your heart. u already fell for him." he said and i placed my hands on my ears. "i dont wanna hear." 

"Not my problem."

after the class ended i took my books  together looking at boys slowly walking out, maybe to practice.

I was all alone when they all left,

"Hi!" someone punched me slowly and  saw a girl looking so adorable.

"Im Sowon. Im from your class." she smiled and i nodded.


"You are so close with Joshua, Seungcheol and Jeonghan?" she asked smiling and i nodded "a bit much."

Smilingly she giggled and grabbed my shoulder.

"You know i like Jeonghan, can you help me out?" she said so suddenly that i took a step back.

"Hes a trainee..he isnt allowed to date." i said in tiny and she pouted then winked.

"Im also a trainee there." she laughed.

I was too stunned to speak then.


"No buts! You gon' help me please." her eyes shinned so much.

'But I thought i started to like Jeonghan'

That night i kept scrolling my phonr and saw spams from joshua.

shuaji 💫

jeonghan slipped during practice 😆😆😆

😆😆😆😆😆 lol
isnt it a pain

😂😂 ik,, i dunno why im laughing

I dont know too but lets laugh 😂😂😂
You know that  Sowon?

Ah- sowon..
Shes also a trainee why

She likes Jeonghan 😅

didnt u like han 😐

Its not like that,,
She asked me to help her

I aint gon' allow-
I like han with u more

shut up 🤨

i dunno why but if you want that to help sowon out with han,,im helping  you

yeah, i'd happy after that

somehow i suddenly i started to feel  a sight of jealousy.

"why must i help sowon?"

A/N : my tmi^^
so i was walking down from stairs and checked the gravity is still working well

Oh Mann!! I wanna end up this story soo fast 😭😭
And take a leave 🥲
Are yall fr reading the notes im leaving? Cuz I myself rarely read author's notes 🐷🤌

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