Thiry One || RS

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"Han-sshiii!!"  "wakee up!!!"

I flew down my bed as i heard two screaming in my ear.

"ARGH! WHAT THE HELL??"  I sighed and they smiled hugging me with their sinking eyes.

i couldn't really get what happened and they just suddenly broke the hug and ruffled my hair.

"dang! What?" when i turned around i found me in hospital bed with some wires on.

"Whats this all?" i asked and i saw Sowon.

Joshua scoffed and nodded "i Didn't prepare for you to be forgetting all,, han. Im glad atleast you are okay." he smiled and again hugged.

'What the?'

I looked at Seungcheol with puppy eyes and he also looked away.

In all i didnt see the sight of anha.

some more days passed and i got free from the hospital.

As i entered to my classroom.
Everything looked kinda changed unlike back then.

And some paper cranes over my desk with some notes on.

"YOON JEONGHAN! IM SO HAPPY YOU ARE ALL OKAY!!" someone shouted back and i just pouted "what happened to me tho?"

i kept searching for the godamnit seat of anha but there was a simple boy with glasses smiling.


"Seat down! Everyoneee! Yoon jeonghan's back?? How r u?" I trilled at our homeroom teacher and smiled "Im doing good now." 

break time broke down and i turned at joshua and cheol.

"brooo! Im so much confused" i told and scratched my head.


"Can you please tell me bout what happened to me?" i asked and tjey nodded.

"Its been 50 days you werent in conscious. Its been a small accident," joshua finished and i scoffed "WHO THE HELL STAYS unconscious FOR 50 DAYS IN A SMALL ACCIDENT??"

Cheol giggled and nodded "we always been cracks heads."

"By the way,, why's there some girl named San Anha?" i said and the class just stopped on the will and i cramped.


Joshua and Seungcheol stood and sighed "what? You havent forgot?"

"What? shes been my imagination?"

"shes the one who died in saving you." i turned and saw hara.


"Yeah its me. Im happy you haven't forgetten me...but never forget the one who gave you another life." hara said and directly put her hand on my chest

"This heart..Doesn't belong you, it belongs to the girl as green fields and warm breaths...thats anha's."


I could not believe but soon i saw some scratches over my chest and hand.

That night i went to dad's office at hospital and saw some surgery paper and a donor paper written anha's name.

"Jeonghan?" someone called and i saw mrs.yang.


"Jeonghan, dont think urself of the guilty. That time,, you werent the one who was careless..just anha asked me to give you the all she has you need..and that was her heart. She and you have in the same accident. She wouldnt live but you would. Promise to be my son." she cried and i understood all.

" she cried and i understood all

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