Seventeen || RS

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I titled down my head and push off the cliff and placed a box of chocolates I bought by my sister.

"Make this work out." I crossed my fingers and sighed.

I kept sighing and walking to the classroom.

"U sigh a lot when u r depressed."  I turned out  back in shock and saw anha with a annoyed face.

"Uh,, hi?" I gathered up my power and looked at her.

"Anha!" Suddenly someone shouted and I noticed Joshua.

'This son of a sweet father..'

I felt a sight of jealousy along with disbelief.

"Oh hey han,, how u doing? Good with that unknown girl from the last day?" He stated which made to go in a verge of tears.

Someone suddenly pulled and I flew over  and saw cheol.

"Did u wake saying 'what a good day..perfect weather to cheat on someone'?" Seungcheol stated and I looked down.

"Last day,, u had my phone and my phone had its recorder on." He said again and I hit it "Wait..i-"

"You like anha that much? U r a loser. U seriously is a loser." He said pointing at behind and shook his head off.

"What do you mean? Not like I seriously meant it." I tried to take it off but "U r a Loser If u don't wanna agree on that u rlly like her then yea u lose.. dont u feel anything natural when u meet me?" He said and I nodded.

"I do feel smt natural." I let out a sigh and he shook.
"What?? What u that love for me?"

"Yea..whenever I meet u..I feel like I hate you..crazy Wesley." I walked up and ran into classroom.

After the classes. My eyes rolled on anha staring blankly at joshua who was playing something with pencils and his hand.

"Bang ye-damn my mood." I rolled my eyes down and tried to talk with anha.


"Anha! Jeonghan wanna say smt to u." Seungcheol shouted and I threwa dead glare at him and silently curse him.

"What?" It was narrowly cold.

"Um..How's life?" I said and she just looked another side.


"Life is too short to hold grudges." I exclaimed and managed to make her nod "it rlly is short  to wait for someone till life ends knowing u dont matter to the one." She said and took out some pens.

Pretty sure,she meant it for me.

"Umm,,,w..what bout' jungwon?" I rapped and she looked at me
uninterested. "Why the damn you care? Go and chat with that whatever girl..whatever her name is." small jealousy shown on her face and i chuckled.

"into u i'm always diving,." i smiled and ruffled my own hair.

i fastly ran out and sighed "omg, my heart almost explode." i patted on the left side of my chest.

"you heard the new girl won 'piano classical'." someone said while passing infront of me, pretty sure he was chatting with his friend.

"anha won piano classical?' i murmured and stepped up. as i pulled the door someone shorter bumped into me.

"anha?" i noticed it was her and so i stepped aside letting a way out for her.

"u won piano classical?" i asked and she swiftly nodded. "WHAT REALLY?.."

i stopped and looked at her with red eyes "hug?"

"are u mad?"

A/N : hella sowyy,
but guys im getting lazier these days plus they r already showing us our answer sheets
so kinda dumbfounded these days i dont think so that i will visit wattpad again im some days
Just goodluck and Enjoy!

btw yall like JEONGCHEOL?

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