❇The Hot Spring❇

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Mya's POV

"Mya, we must inform you, the palace can no longer be your home. You must go back to your village." Puddles of tears pooled around my eyes, an elder woman reached out to comfort me as she held my shoulder.

"Your mother... She isn't coming back." Days had gone by since she left me, without even saying goodbye. Everyone says that she was a hero, staying by the queens side during her 'disappearance' but if she was a hero then why did I feel like a villain inside. Like she wanted to get away from me.

What did I do to make her leave?

I wanted to cry, to whine, to scream. But I was silent, only tears ran down my face. Another woman, with the face of the one that stood besides me sat down to crouch to my level. A twin set of eyes looked out towards me as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, as much as Lo and I want to see you stay at the palace, you no longer have a place here. You must go home." It was that word that I hated, Home. Until lately home meant my mother, because she was all I had to call home.

A moment of silence stretched between us before I spoke, my high pitched voice breaking with every word.

"I don't have a home anymore." I looked at the elderly lady in the eyes as I spoke, her face standing cold as she addressed me.

"Young one you must go back. Be a child as long as you can before your mother's duties pass on to you. She has left you alone, so you must carry this burden alone. One day you will return to the palace, to serve as your mother once did. Until then, goodbye." She walked away from me, a sad gleam in her eye as her twin followed behind her.

I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, I ran into my mother's room. Her stuff already emptied out as a new warrior was coming to replace her.

I sat on the edge of her bed, clinging to her sheets as tears poured down my face.

How could you leave me!

Was I not enough!

I Hate You!

I'll Always Hate You!


Come back to me.


I'm so sorry mom.

I love You.



"Mya, Mya wake up," a soft voice blew into the wind, barely a whisper around me.

"Mya!" I jolted awake, blowing a fist full of fire through my palm. Sweat pulled on my little hairs as I breathed heavily from the fire unleashed.

"Dragons! What is wrong with you!" Prince Zuko yelled from afar, thrown back from the fire. He held his arm up over his head in an attempt to save himself from the red blaze that barely grazed his skin.

He didn't defend himself with his bending. Either he's extremely stupid or something must be on his mind.

I cautiously dropped my hands, letting my breathing even out before I turned to face him.

Warrior || Zuko x OC Character: Avatar, the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now