3 whos there???

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*you ok sal?* shadow tried to spark a conversation up with me *yeah, i just was thinking of my dad and hoping my mom is alright* she looked at shadow with her worried eyes. *dont worry sweet heart, I'll look after her.* shadow tired to reassure me but I couldn't help but to worry about my mom all a sudden shadow grabbed my hand *ill be back, don't worry* and with that he disappeared. I was kinda upset he left my side but I knew he'd be back at any moment so I just sat quietly listening to the police men talk.
after i saw how sally could handle that the way she did . i was shocked. i guess my baby is growing up. only if she would stop talking about shadow so much, shes too old for imaginary friends. she has to stop blaming them for her actions but i highly doubt she kill those two people. she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "ugh" i said as i walked out the front door and over to where my husband was buried "oh how i wish things where different" i said under my breath i sat down o my knees not caring about getting dirty. "i wish you where here... you'd alway know what to do. our baby girl is growing u. i don't understand her, she still talks about shadow as if her was a real person. stuff would be different if you were around i miss you." i looked down at where he was buried and soon felt droplets of rain fall on me. i got up and walked inside lost in deep thought.when i walked inside, I heard something coming from up stairs. i was a bit hesitant to check it out but i walked in the kitchen to grab a knife and slowly headed toward the starirs.i stepped on the first step causing me to jump a little but once i noticed what the sound was i slowly walked up the stairs when i finally got to the top i seen a note on the floor in the hallway it was folded up. i picked it up the one side read to: shadow i looked at the note and remembered that sally left a note for him in her room not in the hallway. i walked in sally's room to find the envelope to the note crumbled up on the floor. why would she leave the note open and in the hallway when she said it was in her room? maybe she was trying to make me believe in shadow. silly girl. i turned around and turned her tv off and then i waked to put the note on her bed, but when i stepped away from the tv it turned back on, it was on spongebob. i thought nothing of fit at first i just thought i held the power button it for to long. so i just walked back over to turn it off. waited a few minuets to make sure it wouldn't come back on. i walked out of the room i grabbed my phone from my bed side and kept the knife on me and went to take a shower. when i got out of the shower i threw some clothes on and raped my hair up in a towel. i went to head in to my room. i passed sally's bedroom and noticed the tv was on again, so this time didn't even go in the room i just shut the door and continued my walk to my room. once i finished my hair, i heard a noise down stirs followed by the front door being opened and slammed shut. I grabbed the knife and walked to the top of the steps and looked down, no one was to be seen. "hello?" i said trying to see if anyone was down there. i looked over to notice sally's door was opened. i slowly walked down the steps with a good grip on the knifes handle. i was mid down the steps when the door opened again and i gripped the knifes handle tighter in fear. i reached the bottom and the living room tv turned on ~who lives in a pineapple under the sea, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS~ the tv said loudly but i kept on a calm level with the knife in my hand, ready, and waiting to see the human being keeping me from my peace of mind. I turned in the living room and looked around i saw no one and then i walked in the kitchen to see no one again. then i heard a glass hit the table and walked slowly toward the dinning room but before i could walk in. ~RING RING~ my phone went off before i could think to read who it was i anwsered "h-he-llo?"

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