Chapter 12- Y/n: Origin

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(Aizawa's POV)

"Ouch!" Hizashi yelled, grabbing his foot.

"Shhh, Hizashi be quiet, Y/n is trying to sleep!" I whispered angrily.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized, taking a seat on the couch.

I pulled up a chair as Nemuri sat next to him. Crossing my arms I said,

"Okay Nem, spill it."

Nemuri took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. She looked more serious than I'd ever seen her. This was bad.

"I think it's Wolfram," she started simply. I took in a sharp breath.

"I thought he disappeared when All for One died!" Hizashi exclaimed.

"Well, if he did, he's back," she frowned.

"How do you know?" I asked. Maybe she was wrong. I felt my heart beat faster despite the calm facade I was trying to play off.

"Well, I don't for sure," she started, "You guys know I was in America to help with a group of thieves stirring up trouble. No one knew the leader, they were anonymous. After a heist I was brought to the scene and where we captured one of their members. I guess they thought a womanly influence would get him talking. And they were right, well, mostly. I got out of him information on their next move, and a name."

"Wolfram?" Hizashi whispered. Nem nodded.

"And it makes sense," she continued, "All of the buildings that were hit are...morphed. It's like the ground and walls just changed. There were even metal formations at the scene I went to. It's something only he could have done."

I covered my face with my hands.

"Maybe this doesn't mean anything," Hizashi tried to reason. "I mean yeah, it sucks over there for them and that he's back. But that's all the way in America! Maybe Y/n has nothing to do with it!"

"I wonder why he's back all of a sudden. For over ten years there was no word on him. I kept a close record." I murmured.

"You don't think..." Nemuri trailed off.


"You don't think that maybe All for One isn't dead?" She finally offered.

"Impossible! All Might beat him years ago!"

"I know..." she sighed, "Its just weird is all. First crime rates rise in Japan by 20% in the last year. And now word of Wolfram in America. We know he used to work with All for One. It would make sense for them both to be back."

I had to admit that she was right. It was odd.

"What if he tries to find Y/n? Hizashi voiced the fear we were all thinking.

"No!" I exclaimed firmly. "He thinks she's dead. There's no reason for him to want her back."

"That's right," Nem agreed, "She meant nothing to him. Just a means to an evil end."

"But still...." Hizashi whispered, "She is his daughter."

My mind started to go fuzzy. I felt nauseous.

*Flashback 14 years ago (Aizawa's POV)*

God why was it so cold. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I was suddenly grateful for my capture scarf that kept my face warm from the cold winter wind. It was late at night. I wouldn't finish my patrol until morning.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now