Chapter 1

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Katerina POV

The cold air bit at my exposed body and I began to regret wearing such a skimpy outfit in the fifty degree weather.

I quickly forgot it though as I was dragged into the big building by my horde of friends. We followed the cue of people and got our tickets scanned before filing into the huge stadium.

My best friend, Kiara grabbed my hand and pulled me along as we shoved people aside trying to get ourselves to the center of the crowded mosh pit.

The chatter was overwhelming and I saw my friend mouthing something unintelligible to me so I just smiled and nodded as I swallowed the soggy remainder of the two tabs I took a half hour prior.

I noticed a few other people from our group join us, Alex and Maddy already had their arms conjoined and were giggling nonstop, most likely about some stupid topic that only comes up when under the influence of copious amounts of drugs.

Suddenly a countdown started and a person appeared up on stage out of nowhere as music started blasting out of the speakers around the room and causing it to vibrate all around us. I could practically feel the music humming through me.


I got completely lost in the pure ecstasy I was feeling when the fifth song or so came on. I was jumping up and down, screaming random words as I tried to keep up with the chanting crowd.

Kiara was to my left and I grinned at her as she screamed the lyrics to the song. She looked like a goddess as her skin glows, and the drugs in my system make her look like she was glittering under the bright lights.

I'm pretty sure I started peaking as everything became almost overpowering. It felt as though I could feel the emotion from the music and the crowd around me. Everything was vibrating. Everything was coming in towards me. Everything was radiating energy and I was soaking it all up.

Suddenly I opened my eyes which I didn't even realize had closed and realized I was in dire need of a smoke break.

I glanced around for Kiara and saw her in a small circle with Maddy and Ana. Deciding not to bother her because she looked like she was in pure bliss with her head tilted up in a lopsided smile, I started towards the door while shoving people aside.

Finally, I made it out the exit and took a hastily rolled joint out of my back pocket and lit it up, slowly inhaling the intoxicating herb. My head slowly lulled back against the brick wall as I allowed myself to take in every feeling I could that I was feeling. The air around me felt crisp and refreshing as it coated itself around me.

Suddenly, I felt the joint being snatched out of my hand and I was broken from my stupor. My eyes snapped open and were met by striking green-gray eyes half obscured by a mess of black curls. The man that began hitting my joint was leaned against the wall next to me. He was dressed in dark low-rise jeans and a t-shirt and had various necklaces and rings adorning his neck and fingers. His very long, sexy fingers I note as I zone in on that part of his body.

Dark ink wrapped up his right arm and a sliver hoop through his nose completed the alluring aura of the god in front of me. As if hit by a wave of realization, I snatch my joint back and realized he'd chiefed half the thing as I was staring at him.

He was looking at me and I felt powerful as I sat outside the dirty stadium, slowly losing more and more touch with reality as I lathered in the attention the godly man in front of me was giving me, as he stared at me.

His eyes slowly travelled down my body, eyeing the torn baggy jeans that cover my legs to the black lacy bralette that barely covered my chest, and dozens of chunky metal necklaces caging my neck.

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