05; Remus

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Remus didn't understand what was all the buzz around dating. Sure, it must be nice to hold hands with someone and have mutual feelings, but it wasn't something that he really wanted. They were thirteen! Far too early to start kissing and stuff like that. His dad always teased him and his sister about not having their first kisses her, saying that they were 'late bloomers' but shouldn't you be glad your kids aren't doing sexual things? They're kids, for Christ's sake!

'It's so nice, though! You're missing out!' What's there to miss out on? Swapping spit with girls didn't seem so interesting. Remus was quite fine keeping his saliva in his mouth.

Adding on to the fact that he didn't find girls really interesting at all, he didn't think he deserved to date, anyone. Or that he should. He was a werewolf! Werewolves don't deserve love. Claire does. Maybe he just doesn't deserve love. No matter how many times Sirius or James or Claire or anyone tells him he did, he never really believed them. And once he turned eighteen everyone would know. Who would want to date him anyway? At least Claire would still be seen as kinda the same. She's a girl, no one would think she's dangerous.

"What's wrong with you?" Claire asked, sitting beside Remus. "You look like you're having a pity party."

"Thinking about stuff," Remus said, knowing Claire would know what 'stuff'.

"There's no need to think about stuff right now," Claire said. "and what's there to be sad about?"

"I'll never get a job. Or a wife. Or anything. Just look at me." Remus pointed at the scars he has. There were few but still noticeable.

"You are having a pity party," Claire laughed. "You have girls lining up to date you Remus. And all of your friends are rich, they wouldn't leave you homeless if that's what you're worried about. Plus, I have the same 'stuff' that you worry about but I don't fret over it. It doesn't make me any less of a person. I think it makes us more unique."

"Always so positive, aren't you," Remus rolled his eyes. "I don't think their wives would like them giving me money like I'm a charity or something."

"I don't think Sirius will have a wife in his future," Claire smirked. "And James and Peter will probably marry one of my dormmates and they all love you."

"Sirius will marry Jane, he's crazy for her," It had only been a few days since the Hogsmeade trip and they had already been seeing Jane more and more. Remus didn't mind, though she always looked at him weirdly.

"Ugh I hate her," Claire groaned. "she's so annoying and she's always in the middle of something."

Remus shook his head and laughed. His sister never really hated anyone, so Jane must be annoying. "What's has she done?"

"She's just always the problem. She's stopping the most perfect couples getting together!"

"What 'perfect couples?'"

Claire grinned, standing up. "You know what perfect couples."

"I don't!" Remus said as Claire skipped away. Confusing girl.

Remus sat in the common room for an hour after that, playing chess with a random fourth year.

His name was Robert, Remus learned. He had Black curly hair and a nice smile that reminded Remus of a singer he saw on his grandparents' television.

"Ah Remus, I don't think I can handle losing again," Robert laughed as he once again lost.

"I think this is my first time winning three times in a row," Remus grinned. "I usually play with my friends Sirius or Peter and they win almost every time."

"Are those them right there?" Robert pointed at James, Sirius, and Peter entering the common room, laughing very loudly. "I see you guys pulling pranks a lot."

"Yeah, that's them," Remus said, looking over at them. They were about to run upstairs before they saw him.

"Remus!" James grinned, running over to him. "You wouldn't guess what happened — who's this?"

"Robert Chang," Robert said, shaking James' hand. "fourth year."

"James Potter... third year," James said, letting Robert's hand go. "Remus, we gotta tell you something, come on."

"Alright," Remus stood up. "see you around Robert."

"See you around Remus," Robert grinned.

James and Sirius practically dragged Remus up the stairs and to their dorms, only waiting for Remus to sit down to begin explaining what they had wanted to tell them.

"So we were on the Quidditch field playing like normal and all of the sudden Pete spotted something so we flew over to it and guess what — Mary was kissing someone! Before you say anything, yeah she's popular of course she's going to be kissing someone but one — it was her first kiss! I know that because we had a bet on who would get their first kiss and obviously I won, I'm Sirius Black! Anyway — she was kissing... wait for it... FRANK LONGBOTTOM! You heard that right... she was smooching my young Frank. Weird right! I didn't even know they were that close! Of course, James being the klutz he is had to drop his wand and make our presence be known! They both tried to hex us but god can they not aim! Super awkward though, can't believe they'd do that, you know!"

When he finished speaking they all looked at Remus, waiting for him to say something. It was very surprising, he would've never imagined Frank and Mary out of all people, but he didn't know why it was such a big deal. Sirius kisses people all the time. They're barely surprised now. 

"Surprising," Remus said finally.

"That's it? Surprising?" Sirius said.

"What am I supposed to say? They kissed. Nothing really exciting about that. I mean, they probably wanted to have their first kisses."

"Except I was Mary's first kiss," Sirius said.

"Then he wanted her to be his first kiss. She's a nice gal, she probably agreed to it to be nice."

"It wasn't a peck, it was a real kiss! Who does that for someone they're not even close with!"

"Mary probably! Why are you guys so interested?"

"Because our friend was kissing someone older than them!"

"A year older," Remus shook his head. "You've kissed a fifth year before."

"That's different, I'm —"

"Sirius Black, I get it," Remus rolled his eyes. He was always so dramatic when it came to someone else's business. That's how the rest of the Marauders came up with the very stupid idea to become animagus. Remus didn't need their company, he had his sister. Not to mention it was incredibly dangerous.

"Yeah you have your sister, but we have a great time when you're you, why not continue that fun with Moony!" Sirius had said in second year a few months after they found out he was a werewolf. "Plus, it's probably so lonely with only the two of you."

The look on the rest of the Marauders' faces made Remus cave in slightly. Remus still didn't like the idea of it, but the way they were determined to do it made him feel better. Plus, it was nice to see that they really cared for him.

I've had this chapter for so long I forgot to publish is lol
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