They Find Hickeys on You/Him

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Michael: "Why did I agree to this?" You groaned as you took off your shirt, throwing it to the side. The boys had forced you into playing strip poker with them and a few others. You didn't want to, but they pressured you into it. "Sorry babe, but you kind of suck." Michael nudged you with his shoulder and you gave him a sarcastic smile. "Thanks for the support, babe. I'm probably going to be straight up nude with two more rounds, I guarantee it." You sighed as Michael's eyes widened. "I'm the only one who gets to see you naked." He wrapped an arm over you protectively which made you laugh. A few more rounds and basically everyone was half naked except for one of the girls who was really good at poker. Michael had just taken off his shirt and Calum stopped him. "Hold on, is that - oh my god it is." He smirked at the two of us and shook his head. "She sure does leave a mark, doesn't she?" Calum commented, causing everyone to look over at the two of us. I looked down at Michael and saw the two love bites on his chest and my face went red immediately. "Oh my god." You covered your face and he just laughed. "Embrace it, (Y/N)," He leaned closer to you so only you could hear him, "At least I can get some." He winked at you and you rolled your eyes at him, continuing the game.

Ashton: "Sorry, we're late. Traffic was terrible." You apologized to the guys as you sat down at the table where all of the boys were seated. "So, can we order now?" Michael asked the two of us and we nodded our heads, grabbing the menus. You leaned your head on Ashton's shoulder as you read through the menu, trying to find something to eat. You weren't extremely hungry, but these boys made you eat so much when you were out with them. "What's that?" Luke asked as he pointed to your neck. You looked over at him. You had no idea what he was talking about. "(Y/N), you have a huge love bite on your neck." Luke commented, pointing to your neck. You shook your head and laughed at him. "Nice try, Luke, but I don't." You looked down at the menu and you saw a flash from your peripherals. You looked over at Luke who had just taken a picture of your neck. He was showing the guys and they were all snickering like little school girls. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the phone from him, revealing a large mark on your neck. Your face flushed and you looked over at Ashton who gave you an apologetic smile. "Didn't think it would be that noticeable that fast." He chuckled causing you to hit him in the arm. You hid your face into his arm seeing as you were too embarrassed to show your face to the other boys.

Calum: "Let's see it again!" Ashton said with a tone of excitement. Calum sighed and took off his shirt, showing Ashton the tattoo that was across his collarbone. Ashton just stared at it for a while then his eyes traveled over to the mark on his other collarbone. "That," He pointed to the little purple mark, "Is not a tattoo." He laughed and Calum scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. "What are you talk-" He stopped mid sentence and looked down at his chest and rolled his head back. "Fuck." He grabbed his shirt quickly and Ashton laughed at him. "Did she think the tattoo was so hot she just needed to fuck you?" "Alright, one, we didn't have sex, and two, it's none of your business you cock." Calum groaned as he slipped his shirt back on, trying to avoid Ashton and his childish ways.

Luke: "How was last night?" Michael asked you as you walked out of Luke's bedroom. You ignored him, walking right past him and straight into the kitchen to grab food. Luke was still asleep and you were wide awake and wanted food. "You guys kept me up all night, by the way." Michael commented as he followed you into the kitchen. You turned around and looked at him confused. "What are on about?" "You and Luke having sex last night." He laughed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You were about to protest, but then Michael shook his head. "No, you did. You even have those lovely love bites right there." He pointed to your neck and your eyes widened. You ran past him straight into the bathroom so you could see them. You stood in front of the mirror and saw three lovely marks on your neck. Two on one side and one of the other. "Fucking, Luke." You grumbled as you walked out of the bathroom.

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