Your First Kiss

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Okay so I know I promised I'd write this one by myself butttttttttttttt..... It's 'that' time of the month and I have really bad cramps so um I got this from tumblr CCC:

Michael: ”Alright, alright,” you sighed as Michael was hounding you to pick truth or dare. You knew Michael would be the worst person to get a dare from so you always went with truth unless you were feeling rebellious. “Truth.” You spoke out and he narrowed his eyes, rubbing his chin trying to think of a question to ask you. He smiled and leaned back against the couch. “Do you look at yourself naked in the mirror?” Your eyes widened at the blunt question Michael had just asked you and you laughed, shaking it off. A smirk was on his face. “To be honest… Yes.” You lowered your head because you didn’t want to see Michael’s reaction to that. His smirk would probably get larger, or he would give you a disapproving look. Either way you didn’t want to see it. “Okay, truth or dare, Mikey.” You smiled at him and he leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling. “Well,” you started to say, “Your dares probably will be something stupid like put ice in my underwear, so I’ll go with truth.” He let out a small chuckle at his comment and you sarcastically laughed at him. “You’re so funny, ha ha ha.” You rolled your eyes and looked at him, squinting your eyes. “If you were to kiss anyone in the world right now, who would it be?” He sat there across from you and just stared at you. You waited for his answer for a few moments when he ran his fingers through his hair. “Erm…” His hand lowered to the back of his neck and he scratched it awkwardly. “I told you honestly! You have to now!” You encouraged him to go on and he took a deep breath and he looked into your eyes and slightly smiled. “If I could kiss anyone in the world right now it would have to be…” His voice trailed off and he scooted closer to you and you looked at him confused. “Definitely you.” And with that his lips were on yours.

Ashton: If you could do anything in the world right now it probably would be to sleep for 15 hours and lay in bed until you decided to get up, but Ashton was making that impossible with his constant banging on that drum set. You understand that he's in a band and needs to practice, but it was 11:30 PM and you wanted sleep. You were staying at his place for the week since your basement had flooded and they were trying to make everything alright and fix the plumbing. So, Ashton jumped at the chance of having you over for the week and you agreed, not knowing that he would be playing the drums every night for an endless amount of time. You admit, it was extremely annoying and you would just love to cuddle up to him and sleep, but that was not happening any time soon. You stood up from the bed, aggravated, and marched your way towards the room where he was playing the drums. You stomped in and glared at him. "Ashton!" You screamed and he looked up at you, immediately stopping playing the drums. "(Y/N)!" His lips curved upward into a smile, those adorable dimples indenting his cheek. You cocked your eyebrow upward and huffed out in annoyance. "If I'm going to be staying with you I'd like to get some sleep and you're making that impossible by playing those bloody things." You grumbled as your crossed your arms across your chest. He stood up and walked over to you. "I'm sorry I just need to practice." "Yes, I understand that you need to practice, but I also need to sleep, but I'm not getting any sleep around here when you're carelessly disregarding my sleeping schedule and going off playing those God damn things -" He grabbed a hold of your face and his lips crashed down on yours, totally taking you off guard and making you forget how annoyed you were with him. You immediately kissed him back and ran your fingers through his hair. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against yours as another smile spread across his face. "I've always wanted to do that." He admitted, kissing the tip of your nose as your cheeks turned a light pink. "Please, do it more often." You giggle as he nods his head and steals another kiss from you.

Calum: "Calum, look!" You squealed as you pointed to the giraffes. He stood by your side and smiled at how giddy you got over an animal at a zoo. "I always forget how much you love giraffes." He chuckled, adjusting his beanie that he was wearing for the day. You looked up at him and smiled. "I obviously love giraffes more than I love everything else in the world." You reached into your purse and grabbed your camera and began to take pictures of the giraffes that you adored so much. Calum looked over at you and frowned, placing his hand over his heart. "More than you love me?" His bottom lip stuck outward even more and you laughed at him, leaning closer to him. "Way more than I love you." You laughed and turned back to take some more pictures when you felt Calum's arms wrap around your waist and spin you around in circles. The two of you were laughing and you were kicking your feet. "Calum! Let me down!" You yelled out as he continued to swing you around. "Take it back! Tell me you love me more than giraffes!" He yelled in between laughs. You shook your head and he let you down so you smiled in satisfactory until he started to tickle you. You erupted into a fit of laughter as his fingers tickled your sides continuously. "Calum! Please stop! I'll do anything!" You screamed out trying your hardest to be mad at him for tickling you, but you couldn't. "Anything?" He asked, still not stopping. You nodded you head and tried to push him away from you. By now you were sure everyone at the zoo either thought the two of you were nut jobs, or just a couple. "Yes, anything!" You screamed out once more before his hands were removed from your sides and he smiled at you, enclosing the space between the two of you. "Okay, then kiss me." Your eyes widened at his request and his eyes held your stare for a moment then flickered to your lips. He slowly leaned down towards you and you closed your eyes waiting for his lips to come in contact with yours. Once you felt his soft lips on yours your kissed him back, your lips both moving in sync with each other. He pulled away from the kiss and your eyes fluttered open. "If you ever want me to stop tickling you I can always do that." He smirked as he intertwined his fingers with yours and walked back over to the giraffes with you.

Luke: “I hate you so much.” You groan as the two of you sit in the front of the roller coaster He laughs to himself and grins over at you. “Oh c’mon, (Y/N), it’s just a roller coaster,” he leaned closer to you and his smile grows larger, “You won’t die, I’ll protect you.” His right eye drops to a wink and you smack his arm slightly, trying to fight back the urge to laugh, but you fail. The roller coaster jerked forward and you shut your eyes, just wanting the ride to be over with. Your backs hit the back of the seat with force, you couldn't move and your heart was accelerating extremely fast. You looked over at Luke who was laughing at your reaction to the roller coaster. He reached over and softly grabbed a hold of your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. “We’ll survive, don’t worry.” He said encouragingly as the roller coaster made its way up the track. “Holy shit! Get us off this ride! We’re all gonna die! Oh my god!” Luke screamed at the top of his lungs making a few of the passengers on the ride laugh at him. You looked over at him and laughed. You’ve been best friends with him for a few years and you knew Luke enough that he would do something like this. The ride came to the top of the drop and your eyes widened and everything that had previously happened was erased from your mind. You screamed as the roller coaster went down the extremely high drop and throughout the whole ride you never stopped screaming whereas Luke was just laughing at you and enjoying the ride. The roller coaster had neared the corner where the pictures were to be taken and you were about to pose when you heard Luke whisper in your ear, “Look at me.” You obeyed him and looked over at him still slightly frightened from the ride. You neared the corner where the picture was being taken and Luke grabbed a hold of your face and kissed you. The flash went off indicating the picture was taken and he pulled away from you with a massive smile on his face. You looked away from him trying to hide the blush that had crept upon your cheeks. Once the ride had come to a stop and the two of you got off he placed his arm around your waist and leaned in closer to your ear and kissed your cheek. “Let’s do that again.” You turn to him as the two of you stopped in front of the stand where the pictures were shown. “The roller coaster? No, thank you.” You shook your head and a small smile fell onto his lips. “No, this.” Luke leaned down once more and placed his lips softly on yours for the second time today.

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