Chapter 10 - Feyre

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The male ran to me as soon as he set Aelin on the forest floor and grabbed me around the middle, holding me to his chest and turning his back on Aelin. Not even a second later fire rushed past us.

"Let go of me." I snapped at him, his arms around me reminded me of Tamlin, the restraint he had put on my body.

"No," he snarled.

"Let. Me. Go." I said, my tone giving away just how terrified I was, I inwardly cursed myself.

"No." he said, being more firm than before. "If I let you go she will turn you into ash on the wind."

I was about to snap at him, but the fire died out and he let me go. I ran a couple of steps away from him before turning round, he picked up a limp Aelin.

I took his hand, and we went back to Aelin's home.

"Please listen to me, we only have three minutes." I pleaded.

He turned harsh eyes on me, "why?"

"Well, I didn't understand much of what Aelin and Amren spoke about, but the basics are that someone called Maeve is still alive and she is opening portals, Amren said to come here, get someone called Rowan and the rest of Aelin's court then use my blood to draw a portal and get back to my home, Oh, and Maeve told Aelin that she would destroy everyone she loved." I said, crossing my arms. "Two minutes." I added.

"Well, I'm Rowan, the rest of Aelin's court is upstairs. As Aelin is the only one who knows how to open portals, so we need to wait for her to wake." He said. I nodded and followed him.

"So, who are you?" he asked as we were walking.

"I'm Feyre, Aelin and Alana landed just outside my cabin home." I told him.

"Why isn't Alana with you?" he questioned.

"She stayed with my family. Azriel has the same power as her, she seems to trust him." I replied.

"What power does she have?" he was frowning.

"They are shadow singers; shadows talk to them." I replied just as we got to an open room with five more people inside.

Rowan lay Aelin on a sofa, our five minutes were up, Rhys was going to be so pissed.

"Who the hell are you?" a dark-haired male snapped, stalking over to me.

"Feyre." I replied.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and easily lifted me off the floor, taking me over to the balcony and hanging me over the edge, I looked down and saw that it was a very long way down, I just rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, happy that my voice stayed calm.

"What did you do to my queen?" he demanded.

"I did nothing to her, please let me go." I asked.

"Fine" He sneered and dropped me.

"No!" I heard someone scream but I just grew wings and spread the wide. Flying back up to the balcony and landing gracefully, tucking them in tight.

"Right now, that the violence is out of the way, can we please talk like reasonable people, I don't have much time." I crossed my arms, the whole of Aelin's court was looking at me in shock.

"I'd listen to her if I were you." Aelin's voice sounded from the sofa.

"Fireheart, are you ok?" Rowan asked.

"I'm fine, Feyre I need your blood." She half snapped.

I opened my mouth to ask if she still had the symbol, but a roar sounded from behind me. I whirled to see a black beast hovering outside.

"What the hell is going on?" A woman with flowing while hair yelled from the beast's back.

I jumped off the balcony and flew up, so I was level with her. "Long story short Aelin is going to open a portal so we can all go back to my world, want to come?" I asked.

"Who are you?" she snapped.

"I'm from another world, you won't know me, now are you coming or not, I'm already five minutes too late." I crossed my arms.

She gave me a curt nod and I reached out my hand. She frowned at me before taking it. I winnowed us back into the sitting room.

"Right, is this everyone?" I asked, looking around, the white-haired woman looked furious.

"Feyre, your blood." Aelin said, she was stood now.

I held out my arm and she slit it, beginning to draw the same symbols that she had drawn on my wall.

In a flash of light, a man was stood next to the new woman. "So, what is going on?" he asked.

"Shut up Dorian, I can't get this wrong." Aelin snapped.

"Aelin, the paper that Amren gave you, where is it?" I asked.

"Shit, it would have burnt." She looked inclined to burn everything.

"Did you look at it?" I asked.

"Yes but."

"I can get it, um, this is going to sound strange, but can I look in your mind?" I asked, letting the cut close and biting my lip.

"What the hell?" she snapped.

"I can walk into people's minds, if you looked at the picture then I can see it, please, I just want to get home and we are now seven minutes overdue, I don't want to get yelled at by Amren."

"You just look at the image, ok?" I gave her a curt nod and reached out.

'Relax and remember to breath.'

'I can't feel you in here.'

'I know, were you expecting to feel this?'

'Well, yes, it always had in the past.'

'What did it feel like?'

'A worm'

'That's interesting, but even if you could fell this it would feel like talons, not a worm.'

'Is there a way to protect myself from people like you?'

'Yes, me and Rhys can teach you and your court if you would like.'

'Yes please.'

I pulled you and smiled at her "See, it wasn't that bad."

"No, it wasn't." She gave me a small smile and I slit my wrist, drawing the symbol that I had seen.

The wall distorted and became that swirling darkness.

"Right, who is ready to see my home and meet my probably rather angry mate?"

I stepped through before I got a response.

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