Chapter 11 - Aelin

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We went straight through this time, coming out in Feyre's foyer.

She turned and watched as everyone else came through before the marks fizzled away.

"Rhys are you here?" She called out.

"Feyre? Oh my god, you're here!" he sprinted down the stairs and picked her up, swinging her around.

"How long has it been?" she asked biting her lip.

"Five days, I was beginning to get really worried, Mor has pretty much lost her head, even Amren is beginning to question herself, Cassian, well he's being Cassian, Delvon kicked him out of the camp because he was beating everyone into a bloody pulp and Azriel is teaching Alana how to use and control the shadows, their most recent lesson has been tucking into shadows, she keeps popping up everywhere trying to scare people." He looked so relieved that she was back.

"Can you call them all here, we need to sit and have a discussion." Feyre was looking at all of us.

"Warn Amren that Manon is here while you are at it." I pitched in.

"Why?" Feyre asked.

"Because Manon will try and gut her, and I would rather she is prepared." I said.

"You make it sound like I try and gut everyone I meet." Manon snapped at me.

"Yeah, except you know Amren already and none of you like her." I replied, looking at each of them in turn.

"Feyre!" I turned to see Mor leaping on Feyre.

"It's good to see you too Mor." Feyre laughed.

"I was so worried; it was like the war all over again." Mor had tears in her eyes.

"Hey, I was safe the whole time, appart from when Lorcan thought dropping me off a high balcony would kill me, but this is what I have wings for." Feyre replied, giving a withering glance at Lorcan who shrugged.

"You did what!" Rhys looked like the picture of death.

"I dropped her off a balcony, I thought she had hurt my queen." He replied, crossing his arms.

Rhys made to attack but Feyre put a hand on his arm and they stared at each other for a minute, probably mind talking. Rhys pulled her against his side, calm once more.

"Um, guys, I guess I should tell you something." I said, realising no one knew about my power.

"Does it have something to do with the massive wave of power earlier?" Dorian asked.

"Um, well yes, so please don't all freak out, but Maeve is alive, and she gave me all of my power back." I waited for the uproar.

Fenrys just shifted into a wolf and lay down, Rowan must have already known because he didn't seem surprised.

"She has to be dead." Lorcan almost whispered.

"She is very much alive." Feyre commented "She spoke to us as we went through the portal to Terresen."

I knelt down next to Fenrys, blinking three times

'Are you ok?'

Two blinks


Four blinks

'I am here, I am with you.'

He nodded his fury head.

"Oh, great the whole gang is here." I heard Deanna sigh. "Yeah, I know, you all hate me now let's move on to the important things." she added as everyone turned on her.

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