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"Chiara!" Chloe shouts after me. I see past the guy and Chloe is running up to me. She pushes past the blue-eyed stranger and pulls me into a hug. The man scoffs and walks away.
"Oh my god. Thank you. He wasn't going to leave me alone." I sigh.
"No need to thank me. Anyone should have done that!" She hugs me again. 

"How come you wanted me to meet you at the gym? You signing up?" She asks.
"No! Jesus! Made an excuse to meet you but Harry came with. I snook off when he was talking to some girls." I roll my eyes.
"Oh right. Let's go back to mine yeah?" She asks and I nod.


Chloe opens her door and kicks her shoes off. I pull my shoes off my feet and walk straight over to her sofa and fall back on it.
"Guess what!" I say after a minute of silence.
"What! Tell!" She squeals.
"I spoke to Romeo... and Rose and my Dad last night!" I say with a grin.
"Oh my god! How did it go?" Her face is lit up.

I tell Chloe everything. Even my dream and my facetime call with Rose this morning too. She apologies about the dream but I shrug it off. It's not like she can control my dreams. 
"Anyways, what's up with Harry following you like a lost puppy." She scoffs.
"I thought that too! I know right!" I say quickly.
"He wants to meet you." I say with a disgusted face.

"Maybe I should. Distract him from you for a bit... give him a taste of his own medicine." She says with a smirk.
"Wait... I like your idea." I say, also with a sly smirk.

We put our shoes back on and walk back over to the gym, hoping Harry is still there. We walk up to the entrance and Harry looks like he's on an intense phone call. We exchange a look and stop and listen.

"Jess I don't know where she is! She went to the toilet and left!" He runs his fingers through his hair. He stops talking to listen to what my Mom says back.
"I know she goes out a lot but you told me too-" 

"Jeez that sounds like a lot." Chloe whispers in my ear.
"Chloe shush I'm listening!" I whisper harshly. She shuts up and listens in too.

"Okay. If she's not back in a half hour I'm going home. To my house." He sighs and hangs up. Harry looks around a little more. He ends up walking back into the gym. He walks out a minute or two sooner and looks around outside again. He throws his head back in fustration and sighs once again.

He brings his head back down and his gaze lands on me.
"Chiara!" He shouts, walking up to me. "Where the fuck did you go?" He tugs my arm to be closer to him. I pull my arm away but he still eyes me. 
"Uh.. umm." I stutter.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Did I take her away from you?" Chloe saves me. "I didn't mean to. I saw her looking around and I had an emergency and I had to sort it out." I sigh and she covers me.
"Oh.. um no worries." Harry says calmly. 
"I promise I didn't mean to ruin your plans." She says with a sad smile but looks at me with a smirk.

"No no. I was just... worried, where Chiara went. Who's this Chiara?" He turns back to me.
"Oh this is Chloe." I say with a smile.
"Oh.. Chloe." Harry says slowly.
"Hey. Where you guys going to the gym? Do you mind if I join?" She asks with an innocent smile.
"No! No. Of course not. Chiara needs to sign up but yeah." He says.

Harry steps away from me and walks next to Chloe, who is on my right. On my left is the brick wall so no one can walk next to me. We walk into the gym and wait in line for the second time today. The line moves down faster and we are next in line. 

The man at the desk calls us over.
"Hi! I'm Jack. How can I help?" He asks boredly.
"Can I sign up. Get a membership." I reply.
"Yeah. Just fill in this form." He passes me the papers and a pen.

I walk over to the chair and Chloe and Harry follow me. I fill in my name, birthday and the other information. I end up at the mobile number and I look back up.

"Clo, can I put your number here?" I ask, she's chatting away to Harry.
"Yeah course!" She passes me her phone, with her number across the screen.

I write in her number and pass her phone back. I say a quick thank you.
"No need to thank me. You should probably get your own phone though. It will keep you safe and you can text Harry in case I steal you again. Right?" She turns her attention back to Harry.
"Uh yeah." He says awkwardly.
"Chi, how come you don't have a phone?" She asks. I know Chloe knows but she's putting on an act in front of Harry.
"Uh... long story. Harry basically was the reason. Weren't you?" I taunt.

Harry keeps quiet and his eyes end up watching the floor. I've finished writing my details and hand the form back to Jack from the reception desk.
"Thanks. You can come whenever you want starting Monday. They need time to register you." He says with a fake smile. I nod and motion for Chloe and Harry to leave with me.

"Chiara do you want to hang out at mine for a bit? You don't mind do you Harry?" She asks him in a mocking voice.
"Uh no." He shrugs.
"Hey um I can get your number so Chi can text off my phone when she's coming back?" She asks sweetly.
"Yes!" He coughs awkwardly and starts again. "I mean, yeah, course." 

They exchange numbers. Harry leaves without a second glance to me but a smile to Chloe. Once Harry is out of sight and unable to hear our conversations, Chloe gives me a proud smile.

"Clo! That was amazing! I think Harry likes youuuu." I tease.
"Too bad we hate him." She chuckles.

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