Chapter 14

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"Miss y/n is awake." The nurse came running and my heart was beating fast. I rushed inside the room and saw her. she really is awake. I knelt down next to her bed and held her hand.

"You're awake finally." I said with tears falling down my face. She looked at me and her eyes were glimmering with tears too. Soon, she started crying looking at me. I quickly went and hugged her while she lay down on her bed. She hugged me tight and cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." I said. She shook her head and cried even more. The others looked at us and started tearing up too and were relieved that she was alright.

After she had calmed down she immediately asked me "where is oppa?" I look at her and smile softly. 

"Don't worry, he's recovering." I said.

"I wanna see him." She said and I stopped her.

"You're not fully recovered yet yourself, you can't get out of the bed now." I said but she insisted on taking her to her brother. I didn't have any other choice as well. So I took her there.

She stood next to his bed and looked at him in his fragile state. A teardrop down her face and sobs become louder. 

"I'm sorry oppa." She said in her shaky voice.

"If only I hadn't been weak maybe you wouldn't have to be like this." She held his hands and caressed it. She kept on apologizing which made me feel even more guiltier. I left her there to have some quality time with her brother and because I cannot see them both like that. I lean on the door and slide down. I can't cry anymore now, all I have to think is how and where will I find Percy and Angie.

I stood up and made my way to Namjoon Hyung and the others who are in the waiting room. I saw them sitting in the lobby and Namjoon was talking to the doctor. 

"Taehyung." Jin Hyung called me as soon as he saw me. 

"Is she alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm going out for a bit." I said and Jin held me back.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Where else do you think?" I said and this time Jin widened his eyes.

"Don't be so reckless Taehyung." He said it out loud which caught the others attention.

"If you go find them now you could get hurt or even die. We don't know what they're planning behind our backs!" Jin scolded me but I kept my straight face and my fist clenched.

"Taehyung don't. We'll figure something out and I'm sure we'll capture them-"

"And then what? watch it happen all over again?! We agreed on that last time and look what happened!" I cut off Namjoon's words.

"Calm down Taehyung. You're not in your right mind right now." Namjoon said and held my hand but I shook it off.

"Don't stop me Hyung. I don't want to lose anyone I love again." I growled at him and was about to walk out of the room when suddenly someone turned me back harshly and punched me in the face. I fell down and held my jaw that was hit.

"Taehyung!" I heard Jin Hyung getting panicked.

"You fckin' piece of shit. You're doing this again! Fine, go and get yourself killed maybe then you'll understand." Bambam shouted at me.

"Bambam stop!!" JB tried holding him back but bambam was fast enough to give me another punch.

"Why are you so stupid?!" He held on both my collar and yelled at my face. I was about to raise my fist at him but then I noticed the glittering water in his eyes which shocked me.

"You're not the only one who's hurt so stop acting like it's the end for you. Hyung is in there too and he's not even awake yet!!" He spoke with his shaky voice.

"I- I don't blame you for what happened but you changed Taehyung. I can't help but get angry every time I see that idiotic depressed face of yours. We used to be best friends before all of this but ever since all that happened, you changed and I hate that gut of yours." Bambam confessed and now everyone was quiet.

I was about to say something when he immediately let go of my collar and said "If you want to die then go. Give up on what you love and just die already." He left the room and Yugyeom followed him behind. Jin and Namjoon Hyung quickly came towards me and started dusting my clothes and ask me if I was okay, they told me to get up but I stayed still instead. I couldn't process whatever had happened just now and I was still on the ground. Did I really change to the point where everyone started to get annoyed with me.

"Taehyung." I heard a small soft voice calling my name and I turned towards the door and saw y/n standing there looking at me who was still on the ground.

"What happened to you?!" She came and crouched down next to me and looked at my bleeding lips.

"Taehyung, you're bleeding." She said in a worried tone. It made me smile knowing she actually cared for me.

"Why are you all quiet? What happened here?" She turned to everyone but no one answered.

"Just a little fight y/n don't worry." Jin Hyung said and smiled faintly at her. But y/n furrowed her eyebrows. 

"I'm alright y/n. It's okay." I assured her that I was fine and gave her a smile.

They both got me off the ground and made me sit on the chair. Y/n took the first aid box and started treating my wound. This isn't the first time I've been so close to her like this but my heart still flutters when she's with me. It made me realize that I was given a second chance to love. I can't lose her either.

"Why do you always get yourself in trouble Taehyung?" She said as she pouted as she looked at my wound.

"Are you worried about me?" I said and looked into her eyes deeply.

"O-of course I do. Who wouldn't be worried if your friend is hurt or in pain?" She said which made my smile turn into a frown. I guess it's only me then.

"Thank you." She said and looked at me before she turned away quickly.

"What for?" I ask.

"Thank you for saving me and oppa back then." She said while looking down, looking all flustered.

"It's okay." I smiled at her being all cute without even trying. Ah y/n, you're making it even hard if you behave like this towards me. And does she still remember what I told her that night? When I confessed to her? Maybe she has forgotten it. I guess...

"Y/n, why don't you go rest for a while. I have some things to discuss with Taehyung." Namjoon told her and she nodded before glancing back at me and made her way to her room.

"Taehyung, are you gonna be alright?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine hyung-" he cut my words off.

"No I mean, are you gonna be alright going there tomorrow by yourself? Are you sure you don't need our help?" I sigh and nodded. Jin Hyung and the others looked at me worriedly.

"Then you must promise me something. Promise me you'll come back alive." He said and I looked at his worried eyes.

"I promise. I'll come back alive."

No one noticed this but, y/n heard everything as she hid behind the door, eavesdropping into their conversation. She held both her hands tight to her chest and held her breath. What's going to happen next?

I'm sorry for updating so late. I don't actually have much time these days and my mind is definitely out of ideas. I'll apologize in advance again if I failed to update daily. I'm really having a bad time right now, I hope you understand.

I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for having so much patience with me♥️

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