Chapter 18

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"NO!" JB screamed. He quickly drove there but by the time they reached them the fire was raging tremendously.

"Call the firefighters, now!!" Someone shouted from the other side and the others tried getting rid of obstacles that could spread the fire. "No, Hyung they're still in there!!" Jungkook shouted. "Stand back Jungkook, it's too dangerous." Said Yongjae, backing him off. "It's too hot, we can't get in there," Jackson said and pulled everyone back. 

In not long, a group of firefighters reached the place and quickly got to work. "They have to be alright, please." 

In a few minutes, the fire is starting to calm down. "Jay B, wait!!!" Jay B ran into the house, he couldn't wait till the fire was fully extinguished. What happens to them? 

"Namjoon!! Jin!! Yoongi!! Can anyone hear me?" He walked through the thick smoke, coughing and covering his mouth and nose. His eyes stung from the heavy dangerous smoke but were still determined to find them. 

"y/n? Taehyung! Can you guys hear my voice?" this is too dangerous, had thought. He would suffocate if he stayed there any longer. 

Everything looks like a mess in this place, there was no way he could find them before he could handle it. He turned back only to see a silhouette of a person at a distance. "Hey! Can you see me?!" Jay B waved his hands towards the person. "Help!" That's Taehyung. He ran towards him with a relieved smile. As soon as he came closer to him, he noticed three lying bodies and Yoongi tried to free himself from a huge piece of wall that fell on his leg. 

"What the- I have the rescues on the ground floor, the last door. I repeat I have the rescues on the ground floor, the last door." Jay B informed the others. "Hyung, *cough* please save them," Taehyung spoke as he was out of breath. "Don't worry, Taehyung. We'll get you all out of here." Jay B assured him as he went and helped Yoongi. "Please save them." with that last sentence, he collapsed.

"A tragic accident occurred near Incheon airport. An old abandoned building was burned into ashes due to a huge explosion. Police are still investigating the cause of the explosion and there was still no clue as to what happened. Five people were stuck in the building during the explosion. Two of them are critically injured and three are still in the process of recovering. It's a relief, 911 came to the scene just in time and could save the victims from the brim of death. To give us more detail we have a police officer-" the tv was turned off by Yugyeom who was sitting in the hospital room as he read news articles from his phone. 

"Gyeom, you hungry?" came Jungkook in the room. "About time, I'm starving." he stood up and walked to the door. "Jinyoung hyung, do you want me to get you anything?" Jinyoung, who was writing something on a piece of paper, smiled at him and shook his head. Jungkook nodded and left the room with Yugyeom. 

Jinyoung woke up a day ago and he's caught up on everything that has happened. He snapped his pen in half and grinds his teeth. "You did a horrible thing touching my sister." his eyes flared in anger. 

"He's awake, now we only have to wait for him to recover. Don't worry too much Jay, they'll be fine. Take some rest." the Doctor, an old friend of Jay B assured him. "Thanks, Doc." he smiled at him. 

Jay B sighs and turns back at the male who was continuously tapping his heels on the marble floor. "Namjoon, you can go in now." as soon as he heard that he quickly rushed in. 


"Aish, why do you always have to be so loud?"

"I thought I lost you Yoongi hung!"

"Don't hug me. Get lost!" 


"I said don't come near me." 

Jay B chuckled from outside as he heard all that fuss. He walked to one more room and knocked from outside. "Come in." said a sweet voice. Jay B peeked inside and y/n quickly gestured to him to be quiet as she pointed at a sleeping Taehyung. Taehyung was still recovering from a surgery he had that morning. But he didn't want to stay away from y/n even for a moment. The two were inseparable at last. All the misunderstandings have been cleared and now you both are beginning a new chapter in life. Jay B waved at her and got out of the room. 

"Jungkook! That's not how you're supposed to eat it. Look this is how you slurp the noodles in quickly so no one could steal it."

"Ahh Hyung, don't eat from my bowl!!" 

"Jin Hyung, how do you have so much appetite? You just woke up from a 48 hour -long coma." 

"Gyeom-ah, that's more of the reason why I should have the biggest appetite. Now let me have some of yours." 


Guess things went back to the way it was. Last but not least he entered another room. He knocked on it twice and entered. "How are you feeling?" He walked towards the bed. 

"Not great," said Jinyoung. "I think I might have something to make your mood brighten up." Jay B smiled innocently.
"Stronzo, pensi di essere migliore di noi? huh? Pensi di poterci ingannare?" (You bastard, you think you're better than us? huh? You think you can fool us?) grunts and whines echo through the large empty room. The white walls and floor were smeared in red-stained blood. 

I have so many explanations to do but I don't know where to start🫠 I have good news and bad news for today, please hear me out🥲

The good news is that I've finally graduated from high school!!! Yay🥂🎉🎂 College will be starting real soon and that's when the bad news jumps in. I might not have much time for writing fanfics as I usually do so I'm thinking of publishing and completing this ff this week itself🤧

I know I procrastinate a lot since I had so many entrance exams a few months ago and now that I'm done with them I think I should be continuing and completing this series soon. It's not much but I hope you all liked and enjoy this fanfic as much as I do writing it and I hope I will be able to write more if time permits me, in which there is a possibility of ten to twenty percent😭💔

I am so happy and grateful that you have come across 'The Ordeal' ff. Thank you so much for your support I will be seeing you soon👋🏼👋🏼 A huge shoutout to you guys! Love you all so much❤️❤️

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