My name is-

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I looked over at the voice

It was a guy about my age with a long purple coat and brown messy hair

He smirked

"My name is Mamoru Aikawa." He said flicking his hair

I nodded

"My name is Y/n what do you want from me?" I said coldly

This guys presence was power hungry I could just tell

He snickered

"Well we want you to put this on." He said taking something from his back

He pulled out a mask

It was the silver mask the god mask showed me

I raised an eyebrow

"No I'm not putting that on." I said backing into the wall

I hit the wall with my back

"You don't have a choice." He said giving it to the dealer mask

I stared at the mask

"AHHHH!" I yelled

I was being gagged

"Don't worry this won't hurt one bit!" a guy with a suit said 

He wasn't wearing a mask to my shock

"W-Why are you doing this?! THESE PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS!" I yelled at the man in the suit

He just bowed his head

"I only listen to Master Aikawa's orders." He said 

Why why me?

Can it be anyone but me!?

The inside of the mask was a dark shade of blue instead of green on normal masks

"I'll only cooperate IF you don't kill my friends..." I mumbled staring at the mask

Aikawa nodded

"Would you like me to send them a letter?" He said with a grin

I nodded and looked at him

The suit guy gave me a paper and pen with an envelope

I grabbed the paper and pen and 

I started to write 

Dear everyone,

I have been captured by a man named Aikawa. He has made me put on a silver mask. I cannot let you guys suffer any longer that is why I put it on. If you need any information on what happened please ask Sniper mask. He'll tell you everything, on how I entered the portal, how we met all 10 of the gods and goddesses masks. This might be the last time I get to talk to you being my normal self. We might see each other in the afterlife. I might not be able to remember you guys but I will one day I just know it. If you do choose to follow me or search for me I am waiting for you at the tallest building Sniper mask can help you locate that. Bye for now. 

-Y/n L/n

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