A dream in my eyes but reality in his

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It was a little guy about 10 and he was cute

"Hey little guy!" I say patting his head

He grunted

"It's Sniper mask." He said

I froze


I stood up

"Where are we?" I asked still shaken up that Sniper mask is cute

He sighed

"In my past." He said 

I looked at him and then looked at the sea

He continued

"We couldn't communicate with you so I just put your mind here so we can talk." He said lowering his hat

That's why he's a child

"I see you have not put on the silver mask yet huh?" He asked

I nodded

"Yea, I believe that there is something that they are not telling me so I wanna find out." I said

"I see." He said 

We walked around for about 5 mins and exchanged information

"I best be going now I can't keep this dream up for to long." He said his lower body turning into a hologram

" Bye then." I said waving

I don't know why but my heart was beating very fast

I then gasped

My eyes fluttered open

"Y/N YOUR AWAKE!" Dealer mask yelled

I smiled 

"Yep I'm awake." I said back repeating her words

Sniper masks words couldn't leave my mind

How were we in his past?

Was it a dream?

"Um Y/n are you okay?" Dealer mask asked

I looked over at her

"Yea, I'm fine I just was having a nightmare that's all!" I said putting a thumbs up

I was lying it was more of a fantasy I could only see in my head

But that was real

She nodded

"Well the master needs you alive. If you die I'm going to die." She said

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow

"Huh?" I asked

She sighed

"That's how it words around here, it's not a choice I wish I could go back to the human world. It's just that Aikawa can control our minds." She said looking down

I feel bad for her

She was human just like all of us 

She was forced to put on the mask

"You don't have to worry! Once me and my friends defeat this realm I will come save you!" I yelled jumping up

I could feel her small smile through her mask

I smiled wide

"You will come back to Earth alive!" I yelled even louder

She giggled

"I love the enthusiasm." She said standing up also

She let her hand out to me and I took it

She continued

"Let's go grab a bite to eat in the bakery." She said 

We walked to the bakery and I ordered F/F (Favorite food)

She ordered nothing

"Come one have a bite!" I said begging her

She looked away

"I cannot." She said pointing to her mask

I sighed

"Here take off the mask and have a bite! I won't look!" I said smiling

She looked down

"Okay fine." She said giving in

I turned around and closed my eyes

She took a bite out of a lemon ma-rang pie and put her mask back on

I clapped

"YAY!" I yelled

Even though I hated masks and hated this realm

She was right you can do anything in this realm 

Also Dealer mask wasn't that bad

She was just following orders in order to stay alive

I would do the same

"Say do you know where the weapon room is?" I asked

•Take me with you• SnipermaskxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now