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She raised an eyebrow

"Oh? Why is that?" She asked scratching her head

I grunted

"I just wanna know." I said back fidgeting my feet

She nodded

"Okay please follow me." She said 

I followed her and we stopped infront of 2 huge doors

She opened it

I gasped

It was huge!

Marble floors

The rarest guns and weapons

Each of them in a shiny glass case 

They all had golden plates with their names

The light was also huge

There were not many windows

So many marble pillars

It was stunning

You could see your reflection on each and every case

But there was one room that was closed off

I pointed to it

"May we go inside there?" I asked

Dealer mask turned to me

"Sorry we can't but feel free to look around make sure to not touch a case otherwise the motion sensors will go off and you will be shot down." She said walking around

Hm motion sensors

Whatever I don't think I wanna find out what that does

I stared at that door that was closed off

Wonder what is inside

I wondered around for about 15 minutes

"We should be getting back we need to talk to Aikawa." Dealer mask said

I nodded

Dealer mask felt like a best friend to me

I knew that she was a mask but I also know that she has to listen to the rules and be the bad guy

Anyways I wish I could go back to see Sniper mask in that dream again


I'm not falling for him! Am I....?

•Take me with you• SnipermaskxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now