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The human on the horse came closer

He had blonde hair and was about my age

He look like a prince, perfect skin, white horse, and a school uniform with a patch on it saying "Host club"

He didn't look like the fighting type

More like a model or a prince

He looked up at me 

Our eyes met

He then got off his horse all the titans backed away from him and ran

He grappled onto a tree and came onto the same branch as me

He bowed

"Hello there princess, my name is Takami Souh." He said in a charming voice

I looked up at him feeling a tit of pink on my cheeks

This dude is hot af

"Um, my name is Y/n L/n." I said back bowing

He lifted my chin up with his thumb and pointer finger

"Well nice to meet you Y/n....L/n." He said back smiling

If only sniper mask did that to me when we first met

First time I saw him he pointed a gun at me and said die

Wait maybe he can hear my thoughts

Oh no

I hope not

This Takami is very charming a little to charming for my liking but I still liked it

It was kinda nice having someone around 

It's been 3 hours and I had no one to talk too

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