Chapter Four

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We pulled up at the bakery and I got Izzy out of the car and unlocked the door but waited for Bone's. "Mummy, when can we go in?" "We're waiting for-" "Daddy!" Izzy shouted running in his direction still gripping her tiger. He picked her up and walked over carrying her securly in his arms. "What's this place?" He asked glancing up at the sign BAKEHOUSE. "It's Mummy's" Bone's turned to face me. "You own this?" I nodded fixing a piece of hair to behind my ear smiling. "You actually did it" His smile was so genuine. The bakery was something I always wanted to do, even in school it was my plan. My only plan. "Right birthday girl, you going in first?" I asked looking to Izzy. Bone's put her down whilst I opened the door. She stepped in and went through as I turned the lights on behind her. "Oh wow!" She ran around and straight to all her stuffed toys which were sitting on the floor on a blanket. Bone's and I laughed happily watching her. I had arranged for my manager to go to my flat and collect the toys and bring them here creating a sort of safari themed tea party. They had also set another blanket out for us to have dinner on beside it. I'd organized the bakery to close an hour early to allow them to set up for me. The balloons company had also been and gone with various animal and number five shape balloons filling the corners of the bakery. All the tables and chairs had been pushed into one corner. They'd done a great job organizing the place for me. "How long have you owned this?" Bone's wandered round looking at all the detail. "Nearly three years" I went over and sat on the floor watching Bone's walk around. I started remembering to before, when we were a couple. So many memories, so many ideas and plans. He has only ever been my one true love. Their was never anybody else. My first everything. I haven't dated anyone since, I'll admit a few very bad one night stands over the years. Nothing I want to remember. Nothing and no one ever could compare to Bone's. I looked round suddenly realizing how deep in thought I was, it was only when I heard Bone's talking away at the door that snapped me out of my daydream. It was the pizza man at the door that I had arranged earlier on too. "You've thought of everything haven't you" He said laying the pizza boxes down on the ground. Izzy came running over smelling the food. We sat together munching in silence. I avoided Bone's eyes as much as I could. It hurt too much to look. A while later Izzy and Bone's lay on the floor playing with her stuffed animals. I sat just happily watching them occasionally snapping a few photos. He'd never been one for children, he's a lot more relaxed than I thought he may have been. I'd waited a little longer and sneaked into the kitchen opening up the storage room. I grabbed the while box with IGM marked on the front. I carried it out setting it on the table and opening the box. I smiled looking down at the small birthday cake I had made for Izzy. Tiger print of course. I placed five candles in it and lit them carrying it through singing Happy Birthday as I went. Her face was a picture when I went through kneeling infront of her with it as she looked at it. Bone's didn't sing, just watching Izzy. His face filled with happiness. We shared a brief moment with our eyes locked on to each other. My heart skipped a beat. "Don't forget to make a wish when you blow the candles out Izzy" Bone's said placing his hand on her. She stopped for a moment turning to him. "I don't need a wish, I have you". I could have melted. I placed the cake down and grabbed my phone to take some photos. "Daddy you can make my wish" She tugged on his arm, he glanced up at me again before the two of them blew out the candles. His eyes not leaving mine. I felt myself getting lost in them, my breathing becoming erratic. Izzy jumped up making me focus on her. I cut the cake and served it. Her favourite, chocolate chip sponge with vanilla icing.

Izzy fell asleep not long after. It had been a big day for her. She lay on the blanket with her toys surrounding her. Bone's and I just watched her sleep. "I'm off again next weekend, but erm. Why don't we meet up at some point and try and figure out what we're gonna do. How this'll work. I wanna see her- regularly when I'm here if that's-". "Don't. You don't ever need to ask me if that's okay. She's OUR daughter, we'll work something out for her".

A few days had passed and I was sitting at the back of the bakery working on a new menu for the winter months to come. "Can I join?"I looked up and had to take a double take. "Bone's, what are you doing here?" Shocked to see him. "I had some time off, thought we could talk about arrangements for Izzy, if your not too busy?" he glanced down to the table that I had plastered with paper and notebooks all over it. "Yeah, of course. Sit down". I gathered all my things up and placed them in one pile and sat them on the empty chair beside me. "So this is what your bakery looks like in daylight with no animals in it" he looked round sniggering. "What do you think?" "I think you got your dream come true Hayley. This and raising our beautiful daughter. You've done amazing". Almost my dream come true, everything but him I corrected inside my head. But I didn't dare say it out loud. An hour or so later we had agreed he'd see her on weekends. The next few I'd go with them till I knew they were both okay without me. As we stood saying goodbye to each other I suddenly remembered. "I'd forgot to say, Izzy is starting school on the first of the month at Eastside Primary School, do you think you'll be able to make it for her first ful day?" "Erm, I'll ask and try my best. I'm owed a few favours anyway". I nodded smiling. As much as I knew this was all quick. I trusted him with Izzy. We were together for ten years, ten wonderful happy years. He'd not hurt her. I know that. "Oh, er, I had something as well. I was speaking to Georgie about this, Izzy and you and she wants to meet her". I nodded remembering Georgie. I liked her. "Her and Elvis actually got engaged recently and they're throwing an engagement party. I know it's quick but they've invited you and Izzy". "Oh" I was surprised I'll be honest. "Erm, can I get back to you on it?" He nodded chuckling slightly. "If it helps, I'm not sure I wanna go but they're not giving me much of an option. But I don't wanna put any pressure on you or Izzy".

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