The Girl

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Flynn had already confronted the criminals about the girl and he sure as hell wasn't backing down now. He could feel a burning inside off his rising anger and he felt the need to protect the girl who was badly injured on the floor. He knelt down beside her gently as the criminals just continued to stare at them. He placed a hand on her arm and managed to pull her to her feet. He glanced down at her and then back up at them.

"I suggest you let us go, the other Librarians will be here soon and they will kick your sorry asses," he said giving them a death stare.

"What kind of a Librarian puts their life on the line for a pathetic girl like her?" demanded one of the criminals as he raised a gun at the both of them.

Flynn chuckled slightly. "I'm no ordinary Librarian pal. Now back off before you get seriously hurt." The gun hadn't even fazed him, if anything it just made him even more angry than he had been earlier. "You're gonna shoot us? How ironic. I always thought I would die from my clumsiness not a bullet..."

Suddenly a rock came flying through the air smacking the criminal straight in the head and knocking him out. The crack made Flynn flinch a little.

"Get her out of there!" shouted Jake as he ran towards them looking at them both for a brief second before his fist collided into another criminal's face.

Flynn looked down at the girl. "Can you walk?" he asked his eyes glistening for a moment because of the lighting in the room. But when she didn't respond to him, clearly in shock he picked her up into his arms gently and began carrying her out. She didn't seem to have any body mass at all, she felt as light as a feather or maybe it was the adrenaline causing it. As he carried her he put his chin on top of her head, she smelt nice.

He shook the thought away, he had just met the girl what was he thinking. When they got outside he stood her up gently. "Hey, we need to get out of here. I'm Flynn Carsen. What's your name?" he asked looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

The girl eventually managed to be able to move and respond. She looked up at Flynn as he stared down at her. "I...I'm Melayna," she said quietly and without even thinking she flung her arms around him hugging him tightly. If it hadn't been for his bravery, or was it blatant stupidity? Then she would have been killed. She didn't let go of him as she hugged him, feeling afraid to let go in case they got her again.

Flynn was taken aback at first, he wasn't used to people hugging him. But then he gave in, he just couldn't not hug her. He wrapped his arms around her gently careful not to hurt her injuries and hugged her back gently. "It's nice to meet you Melayna. Can I call you Mel?" he asked still not pulling away from the hug, he sensed that she needed this.

Melayna nodded gently and then started to sob into his shirt, her knees buckling a little. All of her emotions came flooding out. She hadn't felt safe for a long time, but as he hugged her all she felt now was safety and comfort. She held onto his shirt a little as she continued to sob into it. He grabbed her a little tighter and kept her up. "Shhh, it's going to be okay. You are safe with me."

She felt exhausted, all the times she had tried to escape and then a tall handsome stranger comes and whisks her away from it all. "I feel so..." As she went to finish off her sentence she blacked out. Flynn sighed heavily and scooped her back up into his arms. "It's alright Mel, you sleep sweetheart," he said softly as he carried her.


The next day Flynn was in the Annex flicking through some books. He had let Melayna stay there, partly because he didn't have a clue where she lived and she hadn't woken up yet.

What was she thinking going there by herself? he thought to himself trying to concentrate but he clearly couldn't.

He could hear faint footsteps, and thinking it was probably one of his team he sat down on the table with a heavy sigh. When he looked up she was standing right in front of him. The light here made her look even more beautiful. She was tall, her blonde hair practically sparkled and she had really dazzling blue eyes. "You're awake!" he exclaimed as he jumped up from the table and approached her.

She nodded and she managed a little smile which he gave back. "I was so worried, I thought you were never going to wake back up, Sleeping Beauty," he said with a nervous chuckle. "Anyway, I'm Flynn the Librarian. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself sweetheart?" he asked curiously.

Melayna looked up into his dark brown eyes, and when he smiled it made her melt a little. "There isn't much to tell. My parents died when I thirteen, the firefighter who saved my life adopted me so I didn't have to go into the care system. My" She looked up at the picture on the wall.

How can I explain to him that my real father was the Librarian before him? How can I explain that it was why I was out there trying to follow in his footsteps," she thought deeply.

"Your real dad what?" he asked looking at her even more curiously. Already he found her very interesting.

She hesitated for a moment and then pointed up at the portrait. "He was my was why...."

Flynn's face was a picture, shock horror spread across it as he stared at her and then at the picture.

"Edward was your father?" he asked, he stepped toward her. "But that means your parents death wasn't an accident...and whoever did it spared you because you were just a child." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Mel. I know you want to follow in your father's footsteps but after what happened yesterday, its too dangerous without training." 

Flynn sighed heavily. "Your father wouldn't want you to do it like this. Let me help you, you can stay here for as long as you need to recover from what happened to you. Just promise me something?" 

She looked at him confused for a moment. "What is it, Flynn?" 

He looked back at her with a really serious expression. "Promise me you will not go after that thing alone again? Next time you could die, I don't want that. I want you to be safe." He realised he was rambling on. "Maybe I should....just keep safe for me okay?" 

Melayna nodded a little. "I was stupid to go after that thing." Flynn put a finger to her lips.

"You aren't stupid at all, stop saying these things..." Just as he went to say something else the rest of the team started to come into the Annex.

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