Almost Betrayal

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Flynn had gone into the Annex the next day, he felt like something was wrong. He looked around trying to figure out what was going on. He saw Eve sat there with a blank expression, he approached her cautiously. "Eve, what's wrong?" he asked. She stayed silent at first but then an expression came across her face that said it all. She was shocked, horrified and worried. "Eve?!" he shouted. "Please tell me she hasn't gone off on her own---" Eve hesitated, air getting trapped in her throat for a moment causing her to gulp. "She went through the door, I tried to stop her. She put a knife in my face! I know she probably wouldn't have hurt me--- but something isn't right with her Flynn. She was upset and I'm scared she might do something stupid to herself."

Flynn tensed up his shoulders becoming rigid. "She took a knife with her?" He placed a hand on Eve's shoulder and squeezed it. "Calm down, it wasn't your fault. I will find her, don't worry." He looked around for a clue of where she may have gone. He was getting agitated and irritable. Why had she gone off by herself when he told her not to? Was she trying to get herself killed?" he thought to himself with a heavy sigh. All he knew was he had to find her, and fast. He didn't want her to hurt herself or worse.

"I should be able to check where she last went through the door and go there. You guys stay here, she might just be scared. I promise I will bring her back safe, Eve." He then stepped through the door and disappeared from the Annex leaving Eve on her own.

Flynn ended off in a forest. "Brilliant, this is one way to get lost!" Where are you Mel he thought to himself. He wanted to shout out her name but if she was nearby then he didn't want to risk her running. He started to wander around hoping she would be nearby, he was sure he could hear someone talking. He hid around the wall and peeked around, there she was. She was talking to herself angrily.

Flynn decided to step out, seeing the knife still in her hand. "Mel, what are you doing?!" he exclaimed as he put his hand out for the knife. "Please don't hurt yourself!" Flynn kept eye contact with her.

Melayna looked up at him. "They wanted me to betray you...they said they could bring my parents back to life if I found the sphere for them. But I can't--- can't betray you like that---"

Flynn looked into her eyes. "Listen to me, this just proves how much you care. But you don't have to hurt yourself because you almost betrayed me. You didn't and that's the main thing. Please, just give me the knife and come back--- home---"

"I can't---I threatened Eve and now she probably hates me," she said with a slight whimper as some air got caught in her throat. "I---"

Flynn stepped forward. "She doesn't hate you, she is worried just as much as I am. Please, I will explain to her why you did it. She will understand, I promise you that. The Library is your home now---"

Melayna hesitated for a moment. "I miss my dad so much Flynn. I thought if they could bring him back then---but they probably would have just killed me anyway---" She was shaking, the knife still in her hand. She loosened her grip on the knife and it clattered to the floor as she began to sob a little.

Flynn sighed with relief and approached her, hearing her sob broke his heart. Before she could even react to him he pulled her into his arms, wrapping them around her and embracing her gently. "Thank god!" He didn't let go, he could feel the tears on his shirt. "You scared the hell out of me this morning. I thought you were going to do something stupid."

When she heard his words it made her completely break down. "I---I was going to but you stopped me." She buried her face in his shoulder as she cried silently. Flynn knew she was upset and scared.

"Let's get back to the Library." He motioned toward the door and put out a hand for her to take. She hesitated for a moment, she had expected him to hate her for what she had almost done. But then she put her hand in his and gripped it tightly as they stepped through the door.

Eve jumped up when she saw them both. "Thank god your alright Mel!" she exclaimed and seeing that the knife was missing she rushed to her and hugged her tightly. "I don't care why you did it, I don't care that you did it. All that matters is that you are safe and haven't hurt us---"

Flynn stood there watching them both, a smile flickered across his face as he entered the office. He was beginning to feel a little angry now. Not because of her almost betraying him but because of what she had almost done to herself. He would have been devastated if he had lost the person he had sworn to protect. He looked up as Melayna entered the office and then back down at his desk, suddenly hitting it.

This made Melayna jump, she started to breathe heavily. Her heart was racing, she hadn't meant to upset him. "Flynn I---"

"What the hell were you thinking?! Going off like that? Then almost doing that to yourself! If I had lost you..." He choked on his words tears showing in his eyes.

"Flynn, pl---" But he cut her off again.

"I can't lose you Mel!" he shouted. "You were his daughter and I must protect you, even if I have to protect you from yourself! Don't you ever do that to me again, do you hear me?!"

He started to calm down and he approached her slowly. He could hear her breathing heavily. Shit, did I just almost cause her to have a panic attack... "Mel, I'm sorry I---"

This time she cut him off. "I get it your angry at me. I understand, I'll just go to my room for a while," she said with a heavy sigh and went to walk out.

He grabbed her by the arm gently. "I didn't mean to get angry. I'm just so worried about you." He looked into her dazzling blue eyes. Why did she have to be so bloody gorgeous he thought. "I know your heads all over the place right now and your really emotional, but I need you to promise something---" He looked into her eyes worried.

Melayna nodded and looked back into his eyes. "What is it this time?" she asked and then stared down at the floor feeling awful for everything.

Flynn placed his hand underneath her chin and lifted her head back up to look at him. "Promise me if you ever and I mean EVER feel like that again you will come to me. I will always listen to you."

She nodded a little. "I promise I will." She went to walk out again but it was clear he wasn't going to let go of her arm. "Uh, Flynn? You can let go of me now." She looked into his eyes as he just seemed to gaze at her. "Flynn, hello. Is there anybody home?" she asked jokingly. She punched him in the arm gently to snap him out of it.

"What, oh sorry---" He smiled and let go of her arm. "I don't really want you to be on your own. Why don't you spend time in the Annex with us?" he asked with a smile.

She nodded. "Alright then, but I'm not very talkative," she said with a laugh. She looked out, this time all of the team were there and it kinda made her nervous.

I'm lucky to have these guys in my life.

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