Ch. 1 Preface

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It was a busy Saturday morning on July 16, 1988, in London, England. A twenty-nine-year-old dark brown-haired and brown-eyed Vernon Dursley looks at his surroundings with a nervous expression while sitting inside a vehicle. Sitting next to Vernon is a seven-year-old black-haired and green-eyed Harry James Potter. 

" Are we close to our destination?" Harry softly asked Vernon while looking out the window. 

Vernon looks down at a map he is holding with his hands. He lightly bites his lips, looking nervous, and he smiled when he sees a familiar name on the map. 

" I see it! Charing Cross Road. It is at least ten minutes from where we at," Vernon informed Harry. 

" Yay!" Harry cheered as he turns his gaze to Vernon, and he smiled at him. 

Vernon puts the map away, and he looks at his surroundings one more time as he turns the vehicle on, and he then drives to Charing Cross Road. 

Ten minutes later, Vernon and Harry safely arrived at their destination. The older male looks at his surroundings, and his brown eyes blinked when he sees many empty buildings on the street. However, his eyebrow rose when he sees people dressed in wizarding attire enter a building. 

" Leaky Cauldron," Vernon's brown eyes narrowed as he reads out the building's sign. 

" Do you think that's the place?" Harry asked, sounding curious. 

" It seems so. Those people are dress like witches and wizards that I see on TV and in books," Vernon responds to Harry. 

" Then let's go!" Harry shouts, looking excited. 

" Hold your horses, Little One," Vernon pulls Harry back into the car, who was about to leave the vehicle. 

" Julie!" Harry whines since he is excited to enter the Wizarding world ever since his older sister, eleven-year-old Juliette Potter, received an acceptance letter to attend a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Vernon amusingly chuckled. 

" I need to make sure this car is secure since it isn't mine nor Uncle Vernon," Vernon firmly tells Harry. 

Harry nods his head as he watched Vernon turn the car off. He then gets out of the vehicle with the older male. 

" Go change! I will be on the lookout," Harry firmly tells Vernon as he looks at his surroundings. 

Vernon fondly smiled at Harry as he looks away, and he enters the alleyway. The older male then looks at his surroundings, seeing no one as his body begins to shapeshift. 

Harry slowly turns his head back, and he watched in amazement when he sees Vernon's body and attire changed into his older sister, eleven-year-old red hair and Hazel-green eyes, Juliette Potter. He then noticed that she is wearing clothing suitable for a girl her age. 

" Are you ready?" Juliette asked as she stepped out of the alleyway, and she held her hand out to Harry. 

" I'm ready!" Harry shouts with excitement as he takes Juliette's hand, and the two then walked towards the Leaky Cauldron. 

Juliette opens the door with her free hand, and she steps inside with Harry following behind her. 

The Potter siblings looked at their surroundings, and they see that the Leaky Cauldron is a pub since they saw people eating and drinking. 

" Hello, kids. My name is Tom. What can I do for you?" A male voice kindly asked Juliette and Harry. 

Juliette and Harry looked forward, and they see a forty-nine-year-old hunch-back bald male wearing dark clothing. 

" Hello. My name is Juliette. The boy next to me is my baby brother, Harry. We are looking for Diagon Alley. You see, I recently got accepted to Hogwarts, and I need to get my school supplies," Juliette kindly introduced herself as she pulls out her Hogwarts Acceptance letter from her purse as proof of her being magical. 

Harry hugs Juliette's arm as he shyly stared at Tom. 

" Ah! I can show you the way. I fondly remember the time I went to Hogwarts when I was your age," Tom kindly tells Juliette and Harry as he begins to escort the two to the back of the pub. 

" Why is it that the whole block is empty except for this building?" Juliette asked, sounding curious. 

" This whole block, including this building, is empty to the Muggle's eye. Us, Wizarding folks want our kind to stay hidden from noisy Muggles," Tom explained to Juliette. 

Harry attentively listens to their conversation. 

" I see. So, the Wizarding folks used like an illusion kind of spell to make Muggles see something else instead?" Juliette asked, looking intruiged. 

" In a way," Tom amusingly chuckled as he stepped out into the backyard. 

The Potter siblings blinked when they see a brick wall in front of them. 

" Um. Mr. Tom, this is a dead-end," Harry softly spoke to Tom. 

" It seems like it, but it is the gate to Diagon Alley," Tom reassures Harry as he pulls out his wand, causing the Potter siblings to stare at the older male with curiosity. 

Juliette's Hazel-green eyes blinked when she sees Tom tapping the brick wall with his wand like a passcode to open a door. 

Juliette and Harry then gasped when they saw the brick started to disappear, and it changed into a door. 

" This path will take you to Diagon Alley," Tom points to the stone pathway with his free hand while putting his wand away in his clothing. 

Juliette and Harry stared at the pathway with excitement. The two siblings then looked at one another with sadness, wishing their parents were here to see them enter Diagon Alley. 

" This is our first time to Diagon Alley. Where do you suggest we go first?" Juliette kindly asked Tom as she turns her gaze to the taller male. 

" I suggest you two go to Gringotts. It is a Wizarding bank somewhat similar to the Muggle one. It is the tallest building in Diagon Alley," Tom tells Juliette. 

" Thank you, Mr. Tom," Juliette politely nods her head as she grabs Harry's hand, and the two siblings then walk away from the pub and head to their next destination, Gringotts.

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