Flirtatious - Theodore Nott

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- I'm so happy this is our last year! - Daphne says while eating - What are you guys thinking about doing after school?

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- I'm so happy this is our last year! - Daphne says while eating - What are you guys thinking about doing after school?

Pansy, Theodore, Blaise, Lorenzo, Draco and Daphne were engaged on a long conversation about careers during the whole dinner. This was our first night back at Hogwarts for the final year.

I was still thinking about the amazing summer I had between Theo's house and mine, we were a lot more closer than usual and I honestly liked it and apparently so did he. But since we met the group at the train station that he has been fairly ignoring me and it's kind of pissing me off. After dinner we headed to our dorms and quickly went to sleep.

The first week went by really fast, the teachers have been really nice about the amount of assignments which were almost none by now. The only thing still pissing me off was Theo. He practically ignored me all week and just went from kissing me every other day to making small talk at breakfast and then disappearing whenever he had gotten the chance.

I was really mad at him but if he wanted to make things difficult then it was game on. Tonight's the first party of the year and Slytherin is going to host it. I got out of the last class of the week and grabbed Pansy's hand.

- Hey I need your help. - I say dragging her through the halls to our dorm - I need to look impossibly stunning tonight!

- Slow down Y/N! You're already stunning - a smirk appeared on her face - What is this about?

- It's nothing I- - she rolls her eyes and I sigh - Let's just get to the dorm Pans.

When we enter the dorm I tell her what's bothering me and everything that happened during summer as she quietly listens.

- You two had your first times together during summer? - she says trying to process the information.

- Always that tone of surprise - I roll my eyes - what did you think? That-

- That you weren't a virgin a long time ago! - she says loudly getting up.

- Keep it down Parkinson! - I pull her to my bed - Why would you even think that? - I ask surprised.

- I cannot believe your asking me this! - she lays down dramatically - Enzo is constantly on your face, flirting with you. And don't deny it you flirt back! - I roll my eyes and nod - I just thought that all that intimacy was because you guys had done it at least once.

- He wished! - we both laugh - No, we're just joking, I mean, at least I am just joking with him. - we lay there a few minutes, silently.

- Do you like Theo? - Pansy asks softly.

- I don't know exactly what I feel, I just know that I don't appreciate being ignored after what has happened between us two. - I turn to face her - We haven't even spoken about it afterwards.

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