My Lover's Life - Harry Potter

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- I'm going to sit on the slytherin wagon is that ok with you? - I ask while dragging my trunk across the train's hall

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- I'm going to sit on the slytherin wagon is that ok with you? - I ask while dragging my trunk across the train's hall.

- I guess - she says lowly - I'll just try to find Ron and Ginny. - she shrugs.

- Hey look at me, I'll help you find them before leaving. - she gives me a weak smile.

- You don't need to do that S/N, I can just sit by myself or-

- Stop it Hermione, you're my twin sister, I'm not leaving you alone. - I say turning to face her – We talked about this the whole summer, you still have Ron and Ginny to keep you company, the Weasley twins also love to be with you, Neville, Luna-

- Fine I got it, I still have friends but that won't necessarily help me Y/N. – she raises her voice.

- Don't you think that I don't know that already? You didn't lose him Hermione, WE lost him ok? – I lower my voice so the others would stop eavesdropping – But we have to remain strong, for him. – I caress her shoulder.

- Hey Grangers! – Fred appears behind me. – No seats available?

- Hey Freddie, I was heading to the slytherin wagon but I wanted to leave Hermione-

- With Ron and the others? – he assumes as I nod agreeing – I know where they are, don't worry I'll take her there.

- Thank you Freddie. – I smile and hug Hermione. – I'll see you at dinner sis. – she nods.

Walking towards the slytherin wagon, I see a vacant seat beside Blaise and make myself comfortable. He's my best friend since the first day at Hogwarts, being a muggle-born at Slytherin's house is quite rough, but people learned how to respect and accept me. Well, with two exceptions, Draco and Pansy.

- How was summer? – Blaise asks.

- A bit depressing actually. - I answer fidgeting with my ring.

- It will get better darling. – he hugs me tightly.

The ride to Hogwarts was quiet, Blaise slept at some point, leaving me with Draco and Pansy kissing about 95% of the time and my thoughts. Playing with my ring has been an unconscious habit to cope with anxiety and I never thought it would bother anyone. At least, not a normal person.

- Why are you always wearing that stupid ring? Even when you shower, it's really annoying. – Pansy says coldly, rolling her eyes, making me wake up from my own thoughts.

- Just shut up Parkinson, you have nothing to do with it. – Blaise says, eyes still closed.

- It's not even pretty and I bet it's fake, a mudblood like you can't possibly afford such a big diamond. – she smirks devilishly – So tell me, what does it mean?

- Enough Pansy, call her that one more time and I'll Avada you myself. - Blaise threatens close to her paled face.

- It's really none of your business but I'll tell you. - I push Blaise back to his seat. - This is 100% real and it's an engagement ring.

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