Rivals - Oliver Wood

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Last game. Last chance so represent my house, my colors. Last time to kick Oliver Wood's arse, figuratively, of course.

We were rivals since we met, house rivals, student rivals, quidditch rivals, captain rivals. I mean we made every little thing a competition, but we weren't exactly enemies, he was actually quite pleasant and a tad bit hot. Merlin's Beard focus Y/N!

This year both of us would graduate, this game would determine which house was going to win the Quidditch Cup. And of course we joined the bets, the odds were in my favor this time. Wood is a really good player, there's no denying it, but so was I, that's why our games were always crowded and the bets got really high every time. It was just as exciting and competitive as a Final for the Quidditch World Cup.


Slytherin won that game. Oliver didn't spoke a word to me for the remaining school days, he didn't even looked in my direction. I get that he was sad he didn't won on his last year, but it was my last year as well and I also wanted to win one last time as a Slytherin Captain.


Puddlemere United x Ballycastle Bats
England x Ireland
Oliver x Y/N

The universe had it's ironic way of putting people together. Once again we were in the same situation, rivals on the last game, now competing for the British and Irish Quidditch League. Our eyes locked on the League Cup. It was a bit nostalgic if you ask me.

Since '94 we no longer spoke, seen or even heard from each other. His huge pride got 90% of it done, the rest was because of our different lives, different teams, different friends even.

We laid eyes on one another for the first time in three years and the tension was awful. He won that game.

Holding his Cup and cheering with his team mates. I had never seen him this happy. So I walked towards him and congratulated his team.

There was regret scattered all over his face. We talked, a lot.


Who would've guessed? Me and Oliver Wood, the unpredictable best friends. Since we cleared things up 3 years ago, we never left each other's side anymore. Every weekly break would be spent together, doing the most odd things like having lunch, practicing tactics on our brooms, having deep talks and occasionally kissing.

I mean it's no big deal right? We were closer than ever, the tension was always there since we were kids. And I was actually liking how things were going.

- Are you nervous for the game tomorrow? - I asked him playfully, sitting on the couch while taking a sip from my tea.

- Nervous? You know damn well I'll beat your pretty arse and win that game! - he said confidently, putting his tea down on the center table.

I put down my tea as well, ready to reply his bickering but then I felt his hand touch my leg, leaving me silent, eager to know what he would do. My eyes met his as a soft smile formed in his face.

- No reply this time? You always need to have the last words. Is everything alright darling? - his face was reaching closer to mine, his voice low - I hope I'm not distracting you! - he whispered closer to my ear.

His hand started moving, slowly, up my leg, reaching my thigh. My breathing was becoming erratic by the moment. The other hand tangled on my hair, slightly pulling it, making me face him. Our eyes locked for a few seconds then his hand got to my inner thigh causing me to gasp, breaking our eye contact.

- What are you doing Oli? - I asked breathlessly, my eyes closed, savoring the moment.

- Having a little fun that's all. Are you enjoying this Y/N? - suddenly his lips touched the sensitive skin of my neck, leaving small wet kisses.

- I- yes! - I couldn't think straight, he was driving me crazy with his hand so up in my thigh, the other pulling my hair and now his soft lips teasing my neck.

- Are you comfortable with this love? - I nodded in response, unable to form the words. - Well would you look at the time, I need to go home! - he got up from the couch.

Frustration was the only thing I could feel, and emptiness. I instantly missed his touch and his body that was so close to mine.

- Are you serious right now Wood? - I looked at him, making sure that my frustration was pretty obvious.

- What? There's quidditch tomorrow remember? You against me? The final game of the league? - he walked to his jacket, quickly putting it on.

- I cannot believe you're leaving me like this for quidditch! - he tried to hide it but I saw his smirk.

- We both need the rest darling, you'll thank me later. - he wanted to laugh but he wouldn't, so I could think he was being dead serious about choosing quidditch over me, but I knew him better now.

- Oh you'll regret it later when I beat your arse tomorrow Oliver Wood! - he opened the front door ready to leave - MARK MY WORDS! - he closed the door and I could swear I heard him laugh. That little piece of fine shit.


Oliver asked for a time out. One of his teammates was terribly bleeding from his nose. Well my team isn't quite known for playing nice and fair, but at least we were winning by now.

One of the changes that I loved about quidditch games were the time outs, they were giving us 30 min now. And we had a muggle update that I personally don't know if I love or hate it yet. They call it kiss cam. It was under a spell that detected love, lust or even the smallest attraction and chased after the two people so they would kiss while their affection was being displayed on a huge screen for everyone to see.

Oliver was coming to my side, I frowned at the sight of him.

- Do you need something Puddlemere? - I asked jokingly.

- Could you maybe tell your team to stop playing so dirty, Merlin's Beard I have 5 injured players! - he point at the 5 men on the bench.

- Now you know that I can't do that Wood. - I laughed at his desperation.

- Captain? - someone tapped my shoulder - You're on the big screen Y/N! - I looked at the screen noticing Oli and me being displayed.

I looked at him terrified. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knew that we were even friends, we were supposed to be enemies on the pitch. What would our teammates think? But he smirked at me. He was obviously up to something.

- I know we shouldn't even talk to each other since were rivals - he laughs - but this past year has been amazing Y/N and we shared so many good moments that I don't want it to ever stop. I fancy you since I was just a child and when we separated I got devastated. But now, I love you darling! And I don't care what anybody will say, I just want to know, will you do me the honor to be my girlfriend?

- Yes, Merlin, YES! - I didn't even realize that I was crying but I didn't care really, I was so happy.

His hands involved my body, pulling me from the ground. His lips connected with mine as everyone cheered around us.

Needless to say that my team won that game. But at least Oliver didn't stopped talking to me this time. Instead we headed to my house, savoring our time together.

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