A Christmas Letter - Mattheo Riddle

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My dearest Y/N,

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My dearest Y/N,

Since you've made me promise to write over these boring holidays, here you have it – your first Christmas letter. Only you could make me sit down and really work with a quill and parchment. As I was about to start, Snape passed through the common room and gave me a look of astonishment(?). I might have accidentally broken him.

I want to hear all about your week, presents, what you've been up to – everything. Wish I could personally see your reaction to my present, but I'll be content to receive a detailed letter back.

My week has been rather calm; you would be proud, actually. Got myself into only one fight; I might even deserve some other kind of present when you get back. In my defense, fucking Gryffindor started it... won't even write what the bastard said; it ain't worth it.

I've also been taking our nightly walks alone. The snow is thick now, won't easily melt under my fingers. It reminds me of you – bit rough on the outside but quick to melt under a warm touch. The nights haven't been the same without you; these damned dungeons are cold as fuck, and Theodore keeps bloody snoring every hour of the night. I might actually go insane.

Please tell me you've convinced your parents to come spend New Year's at Hogwarts. Everyone's gathering at Hogsmead for the countdown; rumor has it that they might close the Three Broomsticks just to let us party there all night. Let me know if you want me to go pick you up.

I have to admit life without your presence as been depressing, my darling. Theodore keeps getting high at any given moment; Lorenzo looks worse than a lost puppy, and Pansy only opens her mouth to complain about how her parents have left her here to go to Italy. What's it about you? You have some fucking happy charm as a perfume or what?

Can't wait for you to come back to me so we can ice skate on the Black Lake; it has finally frozen solid. I've been dying to watch you fall once again, and to catch you every time. The smile on your face as you slide through the ice at high speed gets me every time. Makes me want to marry you on the spot.

Well, Enzo is harassing me to go watch a bloody comet at the Astronomy Tower, so I won't be writing much more. But I want you to know that I love you, and I fucking miss you. You better send me one of those polaroid thingies of you wearing my present with your next letter (so I can sleep better).

And darling, Merlin forbid anyone even glances at these sappy words... don't doubt it, punches would be gifted for sure.

Yours truthfully,
Mattheo Riddle

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