19. Hurt

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She waved and as I approached her, I was greeted by a big hug. "I missed you, Micheal!" She smiled against my neck, I half-smiled "I missed you too."

Something about this felt wrong, I didn't know why.. I decided to shrug it off, Probably just because I was hurt when we broke up. She parted the hug, placing both hands on my cheeks "I thought about it, realized I can't go without you Micheal.. I'm sorry for acting so irrationally, I've changed from that.. though I still don't think we should get involved with Chester."

My heart ached upon her words, but my mind told me this was how it was supposed to be.. No more unwanted thoughts of Chester. "I understand.. But Chester's in the band now-" "then keep it at that, Just band stuff." She said, She'd never really had much faith in my whole band ideation.. but I was happy she'd somewhat accepted ches.

I smiled at her "I love you." I said, which felt.. Good? Somewhat.

"I love you too, Micheal!" She smiled before she kissed me. That went fast.. Maybe because we're meant to be. Yeah, seems right.I was right! see, the break wouldn't take long. I smiled against her lips, enjoying the kiss as it lasted, but in the back of my head was Chester.

The look written upon his face. In my heart I knew Chester may not like me as much as I thought he did in the beginning. Or any of the guys for that matter. Maybe he was scared to get close... which is honestly fair enough.

Chester's PoV

Luck never seemed to be my friend or anything. I watched Mike welcome Anna once more with opened arms.. how could I ever even have the thought of a chance cross my mind.

My heart ached as badly as my body did, but when I thought about it.. What made me think it could have ever been? Mike's much different from me, and there’s no reason for such a perfect person to even consider going anywhere near me.

The rest of the day I honestly found myself guilty of avoiding them once more. Though Mike also didn't attempt to speak to me much. Probably realized how easy I can be replaced.

I sat alone in every class, I watched them.. Knowing how some day the same thing will happen, my worst fear and alongside of that, the first thing that came to mind every day.

Somebody else will Take my place.

Every time. But maybe it was better off this way. Maybe I should care less.

Maybe I should stop being fucking dramatic.

But it's valid right? He should have noticed how I felt about him..

But that doesn't mean he should have to acknowledge it?! Besides what the fuck would he even like guys for.

Startled by the bell, I snapped out of my head, to see mike stare at me. I simply shoved my things back into my bag, and looked at him.. our eye contact lingered for a moment, until Dave and Anna asked him "Yo Mike, You still coming?"

See, already forgotten.

Until something odd happened, I got a look of Worry.. from Joe and Brad. The thought that something more was going on crossed my mind, until I realized how delusional that sounded.. they were probably just afraid I'd try to kill myself again.

I sighed and got up, swinging my bag over my shoulder and making my way away from this. This had been our last class of today anyways.

I walked out the school to be met by a warm breeze and the shining sun, I guess It wouldn't hurt to calm myself a little bit.

So to the park I went, I sat under the tree I always did and took out all the weed I had left. I rolled it, and took out my lighter to smoke it..

I was around 3 hits in and already began feeling more relaxed, I leaned against the tree, taking more hits until I was 2/3rds down.

Once I reached that point a shadow appeared above me, I didn’t bother looking up as it was probably just someone here to insult me.

To my surprise, it wasn't this time. 

"I heard those were bad for you.." I heard Joe's voice, I looked up and yes, there he was.

I shrugged my shoulders "Its better than Alcohol or cigs, so I guess.."

"Fair enough." Said Joe as he leaned down "what are you doing?" I asked.

"Sitting down?" Joe said, looking at me in a confused matter. My shoulders stopped being so damn tense as I nodded "Oh! Okay.. cool."

"Yeah.. so... erhm.. how are you?" Asked Joe, trying to sit comfortably by the rooted tree. I shrugged "I'm fine."

"Always fine huh.." chuckled Joe dryly. I shrugged "Yeah, you?" ".. I'm good.. just uh.. got in a bit of an argument today."

Ahh.. That’s why he's here, I'm the second choice.. Great. I suppose its okay as long as I can be taken out of my head.

"Oh? How come?" I asked, and Joe started to speak..

"Hey guys! Great news!" Mike exclaimed, and Joe looked over to see him holding Anna's hand. He couldn't have been less excited, he'd never really liked Anna to begin with.. which was a rarity as Joe liked pretty much everyone.

Whilst the rest of the guys cheered with excitement, Joe sat there.. with a white smile written upon his face.

He just smiled until a few words caught his attention "But there is a slight thing I'm gonna have to ask..."

"What's up?" Asked Dave, with concern for his friend.

"Yeah Mike..." started Joe, knowing there'd be an obvious catch "Tell us."

"Well, I wanna ask if you guys could Just like...." Mike paused and Joe already knew his friend was about to ask something of them even he didn't agree with himself..

But Anna did the deed for him as she opened her mouth and the following words escaped her lips..

"Stop talking to Chester."

I've decided to finish it :))

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