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The ginormous bell from the church clanked as the people outside took pictures. Various people of high status went out of their cars wearing dresses and formal attires that follow the motif and dress code of today's wedding.

People from the outside were cheering-laughing at each other because this event happened to be their reunion after so many years of not seeing each other. Photos were taken, videos were on the roll and all they are waiting now is for the bride and groom to arrive.

I heaved a sigh and smiled bitterly as I stayed inside my car. The cold air from the air conditioning unit together with the car freshener he gave me reminded me of his scent. It reminded of how he used to pick me up after my class in college and how we would go around the city to find somewhere to eat only to end up ordering in McDonald's.

Maybe it's true that it's the little things that matter.

I shook my head as I tried to forget the waves of memories inside my head. It's been almost a year since they announced their engagement and it's been just a month since I received the wedding invitation but the thought of all of it hasn't sank in me yet.

It's feels like a dream... a blissful dream for them but a nightmare to me.

I thought we had it. I thought that everything was fine until he told me that he's in love with this girl. This girl that she's been talking to for months and I haven't had the chance to get to know her- nor meet her. It just... happened so fast! It happened like one day he's with me and the next day he's engaged!

Is this why label is important? Is this why confessing your feelings early considered a safety net for a person? Isn't it enough that I know for sure that we feel the same way? Does it really mean that I have to clarify everything just to be in a relationship? Is... love not enough for a person to stay?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my window. I looked outside and saw a familiar face. It broke me but I can't show him that.

"Dude aren't you going out of the car yet? We have to go inside!" said the man I loved for years.

I bitterly smiled before nodding my head. I don't know how can he call me 'dude' when he knew exactly what we felt for years.

I clicked the door open and faked a smile at him. This is the last day that I'll be seeing him. After this day, I promised to end it and live a life that I deserve.

"Eero! It's good to see you bud! It's been two years!" said one of my friends in college. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm good." that's all I can manage to say. I don't know what else to say.

Shortly, the program started. The familiar wedding music enveloped the entire church as the entourage started to march inside. Lennox wanted me to be his best man but I refused. Yes, I refused because I've been in so much torture for the past year-why would I want to add more salt to my wound?

I sarcastically smirked before shaking my head as people continue to walk the aisle. I can't believe the one and only Eero Sébastien, the heir of Sébastien real estate, is being treated this way without his bestfriend knowing.

I chose to sit at the last row of the church just to avoid any more attraction. My friends knew what's up with Lennox and I but I just don't know if that's the case on his part. I don't know if his friends knew, if his family knew... I guess not?

I saw Lennox standing at the altar waiting for his bride to arrive and as the entourage came to an end, there we saw a woman wearing a wedding gown covered in expensive beads and stones, gracing the aisle with her presence. She looks incredibly stunning as she took step after step towards the guy I loved for years.

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