Chapter 3: Beyond These Walls

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After I bought and asked our cooks to serve the food for the entire household, my Dad's tracks were put on halt. He can't believe that I bought everything that Ezekiel and his uncle has to offer for me to feed our people. Of course it was unintentional- I would say it was an impulsive decision but my heart was happy because I got to return the favor of Ezekiel's little kindness. 

I know he probably did that because his papa told him to, but the thought of really giving me food is something that I appreciate dearly. I don't know... maybe I just found him interesting and soft hearted despite his... not so desirable appearance. 

Days have passed and I witnessed how this guy, Ezekiel, is so popular with the girls in the community. I would see him often entering our gate with a crate on his hand containing things that they need for work. I don't really pry or make myself involved in their work but I got nothing else to do this summer. I stopped taking extra classes for my piano, violin, math and even chinese lessons last year because there's nothing else they can teach me. I've learned everything that my parents want me to learn and now I'm starting to get bored. 

Well it's also an opportunity for me to explore the place because usually, every summer, I would take lessons then my reward would be an out of town or even an out of the country with my parents for a whole week. That's it... nothing special and nothing that really caught my interest. I was used in doing that same routine over and over again for the past years and now... I don't know what else to do.

It was a sunny afternoon when I decided to go out and walk around the house. I got nothing else to do so I guess I'll be spending my time counting the leaves of a tree in the garden. The vast land of our property greeted me but even if it's huge and luxurious, I can't seem to be entertained. I envy the kids that have friends who they can go out with. My parent's would even let me step out of that gate without having a bodyguard nor a driver with me. 

I was lost in my thoughts when my eyes caught Ezekiel wearing a tank top and ripped jeans while cutting a pile of bamboos for god-knows where they would use. 

"What are those for?" I asked as I went near him and it startled him. 

His arrogant eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me before going back to what he's doing. 

"Sir Earth wanted us to build a nipa hut in your garden." he shorty said before cutting the bamboo again in pieces with the use of a bolo- a long cutting tool similar to a knife. 

"Can't he just order it?" I inquired and he let out a deep breath before facing me. 

"Eero, you can't just buy everything." he stated.

"But it's easier." I insisted before he shake his head.

"You'll never know..."

"Then educate me!" 

"I am." he said in a stoic tone before holding the bamboo again. "Having the resources plus the labor is much cheaper than actually buying a ready-made nipa hut plus it's customizable. Sir Earth wanted a big one so everyone can rest there including the workers."

That's the thing about Dad; he treats everyone even the workers as his own family. Well I can't blame him- my grand parents were against his relationship with my mom and he's given a choice to choose between my mom and his family. Of course he ended up choosing my mom that's why I'm here and we live in the Philippines. 

"If you say so..." I shrugged before sitting next to him. "Do you need help?"

"I can manage. You can just play with your PS4 or watch a movie inside your house."

"You know for a teenager... you're rude."

"And you're nosy." he came with a rebut! 

"I am not! I'm just merely bored!"

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