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Maya's POV
"Wake up Nash!" I yelled down the hall. Today me, Hayes, Nash, and Cameron were going to the beach and I'm so excited. I was already dressed in my purple bikini and over top I threw on jean shorts and a white crop top. I ran back into my room, slipped on my white converse, grabbed my phone and sun glasses and ran downstairs to see Hayes and Nash at the table eating Fruity Pebbles.

"Morning!" I kissed them both on the cheek. "Geez. Someone's happy." Hayes said. I really was. I was most excited about getting to know Cam. I think he might be a little into me but I don't want to be so sure. I'm probably just imagining it. I poured my cereal and started eating. "Does your mom know we're going to the beach?" I asked Nash. "Yep. I told her last night." "Cool." We finished our cereal and walked over to Cams house.

"Ready to go?" Nash asked Cam. "Let's do this!" Cam ran out to his car. Hayes went to sit in the front. "Wait!" Cam said. "What's wrong?" Hayes asked. "Let Maya sit there." He smirked. I blushed. "Whatever." Hayes went to the back.

I hopped into the front seat and Cam started the car. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" His cheesy smile made my stomach flip. "Nothing much. I'm excited for the beach." I answered him. "Would you two stop flirting so we can go already?" Nash said with a smirk. Cameron's cheeks went red as he pulled out of the driveway.

Once we arrived at the beach the guys ran immediately to the water and I sat down in the sand to tan a little bit. "What are you doing?" Cam turned around and asked me. "I think I'm going to stay out for a bit." He came over and sat by me. "You don't have to wait for me Cameron. Go ahead in the water." I told him. "Nah." he said, "I'd rather sit here and get to know you some." he winked and I almost forgot to breathe. He's so attractive. I smiled, "Okay."
"So how old are you?" I asked.
"18. You?"
"Sweet." he smiled.
"So, if you don't mind me asking... Why do you live with Hayes and Nash?" Oh man here we go. I told him about my awful past. About Justin, my Mom, depression and everything else. He probably thinks I'm a total freak now. Great.

Cameron's POV
I felt so bad for Maya. She seems like such a sweet girl and I would've never guessed that that sort of stuff would've happened to her. "That Justin guy seems like a real asshole." I told her. She chuckled, "yeah."
"Just so you know Maya, if you were ever to be my girlfriend, I would do everything I could to make you happy and I would NEVER treat you like Justin did. Okay?" I smiled.
"Okay. I'll keep that in mind" She winked. God, she's cute.

Maya's POV
Cameron's the nicest guy I have ever met other than Nash and Hayes. I
think I'm falling for him, maybe. "Well I don't know if this is too soon to do this but I really need to." he said. Then he started to lean in. Then I leaned in. Before I knew it our lips connected and electricity shocked my whole body. His lips were so soft and just.... kissable. After a few moments we pulled back. "Wow." Oh shit did I really just say that?! Wow Maya. He chuckled then stood up. "You coming?" he asked reaching his hand out. "Why not?" I took his hand and we ran to the water.

After we got out of the water we were all exhausted. "Hey do you guys want to come hang at my place?" Cam asked us. "Sure," said Hayes and Nash, "Maya, do you want to come?" "YES." damn it. I sounded to eager. I cleared my throat, "I mean, yeah sure... but before we leave can we watch the sunset?" Cam answered, "Sure!"

We all sat down and watch the sunset. Cameron sat by me. "Wow! It's beautiful." I said.
"Like you." Cameron smiled his big bright smile. It made me fall apart. Everything about him did.

I started to get tired so I laid my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Someone must've carried me to the car because when I woke up I was laying in the back seat with my head on Cameron's lap. "Hello there." Cam said with that warm voice of his.
"I missed the sunset!"
"Don't worry, I'll take you to see another one sometime." He winked again. AAAAHHHHH! I screamed on the inside.
"You're so cheesy it's hilarious." I said to him and sat up.
"Dawwww." Hayes said from the front. Cameron slapped him across the head.

We got to Cameron's house and put on a movie and we all sat on the couch. Me and Cameron next to each other again of course. I hope he doesn't think I'm clingy or anything.

Cameron's POV
We were all sitting on my couch and Maya was bedside me. She's so beautiful. When I kissed her earlier I didn't know if it was too early. I mean I just met her yesterday! But it was different then any other kiss I had ever experienced. When her warm, soft lips touched mine, I felt a real connection.

Towards the middle of the movie we were watching I felt Maya's head on my shoulder. Aw, she fell asleep. Then Hayes and Nash started to get up. "We're gonna head back over to our house dude, Nash said, "just tell her to come over or whatever when she wakes up." "Okay see you guys." I replied.

Maya's POV
I woke up and noticed I was laying on Cameron's shoulder AGAIN. "Oh. Um, I'm sorry." "No it's fine!" Cam reassured me. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 11:30. I was super tired. "I'm going to head over to the house." I told Cameron while grabbing my things. "Okay," he replied, "I had a lot of fun today. I'm glad I got to know you better Maya." "Me too." I smiled. "Maybe we could hang out sometime, just us two?" Cam blushed. OH MY GOD YES!!! My brain screamed, but I just smiled and said, "I'd love that."
"Great. Well could I have your number?"
"Sure!" I typed my phone number into his contacts and put my name as 'MAYA<3:)'.
"Thanks. And I'm sorry about the kiss earlier, I just felt like I needed to do it and it felt so right. I realize I just met you and we--"
I interrupted him by crashing my lips into his.
"It's fine Cameron." I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his face.
"Uh okay. Yeah umm..." He was blushing again.
I laughed. "I'll text you." Then I winked to add some flirty-ness and walked back to the house.

hey everyone! I've been trying to update more! Sorry it's been a while! ~grace xoxo

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