Chapter 5

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Paris (The picture is Paris)

It's been a week since I last saw Danny. She hasn't been to school or on her porch. I tried going to her house but I always stop before knocking and just end up going home.

Today is Friday and I'm going to go visit her. No excuse, or anything I'm just going to go. I've been seeing Chaz but never really talked to him. I be seeing that girl that broke Danny's heart. I hate her for hurting her.

In last hour Chaz kept trying to get my attention. I tried my hardest to ignore him. "Pssst! Paris" he whisper shouted. I covered my ears but he kept calling me. I cracked "WHAT?!?" I shouted as I turned around. I covered my mouth then turned back around. The whole class was looking at me, my teacher even gave me a look.

"Detention Ms.Harris" he said to me. Chaz cleared his throat. "It was me" he said making everyone look at him. "Well both of you have detention!"

"It's not fair to her" Chaz protested.

"Detention all week for the both of you" is all He said. Chaz sat down then looked at me and mouthed "sorry"

After school I went home and told London I have detention all week starting tomorrow. Its only Me, London and Carter here right now. My mom is out of town on business trips all the time. So she leaves us enough money to live off of. My dad is with his new family somewhere in Canada.

"I haven't been seeing that cute guy next door lately" London said referring to Danny. I laughed at her stupidity. "What?"

"That's a female. She's what they call a stud" I said then she grinned. "That explains why you look at her the way you do" London said while making kissy faces. I playfully punched her in the arm.

"I'm going to go check on her" I said as I stood up and fixed my shirt and bra. I walked next door and rang the door bell. I heard moving around but no one answered the door. I walked to the back of the house and found the back door.

It was unlocked so I just walked in. Her back door was glass so you could actually see me walk in and out. As soon as you walk through her glass doors she has a big built in pool. I watched to the next door to get in back it was locked. I picked the lock with my hair pen and walked straight in shouting her name.

"Danny!" I shouted as I went in her refrigerator. I pulled out Oreo cookies and the milk. "You have an intruder!" She probably needs this, every girl loves food to heal a heart break. "Danny!" I shouted as I closed the refrigerator. She hasn't came down, is she here? She has to be.

I poured a cup of milk and took some Oreos. After I put the milk up, I ran up stairs and looked around her second floor. Can't lie it's big enough to play hide and seek and never get found.

I finally got to the last room and saw her laying in her bed fast asleep. She had tissues, ice cream tubs, and paper everywhere. Its not a shock that she depressed.

"Danny" I whispered but she didn't move. I climbed onto her bed and laid on her back. "I'm here" I whispered then wrapped my arms around her. She started laughing. I sat up so she could turn around.

"Hey Paris" she said then wiped her nose. I made a puppy dog face, she looks so sad. "Stop, don't even" She smiled. I slowly climbed on top of her and hugged her. "I just hope your okay" I paused and look her in the eyes "and I was just checking on you of course" I mumbled then let her go. "Making sure your not dead" I rush off her lap.

"Can you keep hugging me?" She asked with her hands out. I laid on top of her and put my head on her chest. "Can we stay like this?" She whispered.

I nodded my head yes... I like this to

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