Chapter 21

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Chaz texted me as soon as Paris walked in during second hour. We were already so far on in the class so could barely catch up. "Sorry I'm late...." she started babbling about that girl from last hour. Believe you me I don't trust her, not one bit. She's cute but a little to cute.

I pulled out my phone and looked at his next text message. "The boss needs us at the club" I sighed then looked at Paris.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked then looked at my phone. "No your not leaving school"

"I have to" I whispered to her then touched her cheek. "I could get fired baby" I smiled at her then raised my hand.

"Yes Ms.Rivera?" She says while pointing to me. "I have to pee" I stood to my feet. "Restroom?" He waved me out then continued on with his teaching. I looked at Paris then winked. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class. I feel bad for making her go and I'm not even there today.

When I got to the club Chaz was standing outside of it next to his parked car. "Hurry, were late" he rushed inside.

We walked towards the back were the boss is always at. "Ah, there they are" he looked at us. "My two favorite people at this broke down club" he never spoke to us like that.

"Really? What happened to Freddie and Sam?" Chaz asked. Something bad happened to them because they were the favorites last week.

"They took a long trip to Hawaii last night" Dave said. He's a body guard for the boss. The boss actually has about 10 guards just standing around.
"Look I have a job for the both of yous" He sat in his chair. His smile turned into a serious face. He turned from sincere to being feared. Many feared this guy, I wouldn't be shocked if he killed Chaz on the spot. "I need you both here every night for the next week. I need you to keep an eye on these two powerful man for me. As always Danny's in charge" not shocked he put me in charge.

"How come SHES always in charge!?" Chaz angrily said. Everybody laughed at him.

"Remember what happened to you when you were in charge?" I asked. He folded his arms like a kid. "You panicked and started sweating your heart out. Then when we said now you screamed and ran off"

"Oh shut up" he said making us laugh harder. The boss cleared his throat and we all stopped laughing. That means stuff is getting serious.

"Everybody get out I need a word with danny" he said while looking at me. I sat in a chair and looked at everybody leave out. Chaz had to get dragged out by Dave and Greg.

"Danny" he pulled his self closer to the desk. "I made you stay for a reason. Your a powerful girl... no your a powerful person. I don't even see you as a girl anymore." Wow that was powerful speaking.

"Why'd you pick me?" I asked.

"Because your not afraid of falling. You fall and get right back up. Trust me if anything happens I'll be there right behind you. I help my people"

This guy knows how to talk to people.
"Okay." Is all I said.

He stood up and looked in the cabinet above his head. "Now, you'll need the guys information and this" he turned around and put two folders and a gun on the desk. I stood up as fast as I could.

"I can't take that!" I backed away while pointing.

"Danny" he walked forwards Me with the gun and the folders. "This job.... it's serious. You'll need this"

"I don't, I have fist that's all I need" I put my hands up.

"I need to know if you can handle it" he said in all seriousness. I can feel my heart pumping through my clothing. "Yes" I say but could I really?

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