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It's been a couple of months since you left Tokyo. You ended up moving to a small town not too far away from Tokyo. With all the money that you had saved, you were able to rent a small house. It was better than the shit place you lived in Tokyo.

The small house you ended up living in was a two-floor. The first floor had a small kitchen and a living room, the second floor was only a small room for you and a small bathroom. You had gone to the store to get some things to decorate your house to your taste.

Trying to not waste a lot of money you only ended up getting a small bed, a closet, and some kitchen utensils. Finding a job was hard for you at first but fortunately, you did find a job. You ended up working in the town's library. It was good pay for just organizing books and helping other people.

It was totally different from your past job but it was better. At least you weren't dancing for men anymore. Aki would call you from time to time and talk about things that have been happening to her. She hasn't come to visit but she said she would.

Your mom would also call you sometimes. She was surprised when she found out that you left Tokyo but she said she was happy for you.

"Goodmorning Y/n" The librarian that worked at the front desk greeted you her name was Hana. "Goodmorning Hana" You greeted her back with a smile as you entered the library. You headed towards the room in the back, putting away your bag in a small cabinet that was assigned for you when you started working here.

Coming back you headed towards where Hana was. She was around her late 20's older than you. She had black hair and light brown eyes. She had a really nice fashion style. She greeted you with a smile once she saw you again.

"Y/n guess who's here" She smirked at you. You leaned on the library's desk. You raised an eyebrow at her. "Who Hana?" You wondered. "That guy who always needs your 'help'" She said smiling at you. You rolled your eyes at her.

There was a guy that would come every day to the library. Without missing a single day he would come when your shift started. Asking only for your help.

"Oh god, he's here again" You covered your face with your hands. "Yeah he's here in his usual spot Y/n" She nudged you. "God I'm just gonna put away the books that are in the cart" You changed the subject.

You grabbed some books and headed towards the bookshelves. Putting the books where they correspondingly go. You weren't even halfway done when he came up to you.

"Hey Y/n" He came up to you quietly. You turned to face him and smiled. "Hey what can I help you with" You kept on putting a book away. "I need help looking for a book" He talked quietly.

"Sure what book is it?" You asked him still smiling. "I need the sequel of the book I was reading last time. The one you told me about" He quietly said. "that book should be where you got the first book from" You smiled at him.

"Oh yeah huh" He was avoiding eye contact with you. "Yeah like two isles down" You smiled at him and continued putting the rest of the books away. He left walking in the same direction you told him too.

You peaked out of the isle to see if he was anywhere close before heading back to the cart to get more books to put away. "You can't avoid them forever" Hana said not looking at you. You just rolled your eyes and continued doing your work.

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