29 →𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆

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You woke up to hearing footsteps on the first floor. "Fuck I forgot to lock the door" You said to yourself as you stood up.

You started heading downstairs getting ready to be in another argument. "Why did you come back," You said as you got to the last step.

It was Dabi, of course. He was walking around the first floor as if he was looking for something. "I forgot something" He said still searching around.

You tried to remember if he had brought anything but he didn't. He came empty-handed. "What did you forget?" You asked him. Trying to help him out so he could leave as fast as possible.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "You," He said. Confusion rose up. "What?" You asked him.

He looked at you and smirked. "We are leaving" He walked towards you and carried you. You were frozen in place for a second.

He lifted you up and put you on his shoulder. After realizing what was happening you started hitting him on his back.

"Dabi let go of me" You struggled to get off. "Nope, I told you. You cant get rid of me and you wanted me to leave so I'm taking you with me" He started heading towards the door.

"Where are you taking me?" You started kicking and hitting him. "Who knows" He opened the front door.

"I can't just throw my life away again!" You tried hitting him harder. He walked outside, still with you in his shoulder.

He locked the door from the inside and closed it. He started to walk towards a car that was parked in front of your house but then stopped.

"Should I burn down your house?" He asked looking back at your house. "What! No Dabi" You hit him.

He shrugged his shoulder with you on top of it. "It doesn't matter, I crashed your house from the inside so it looks like you went missing" He turned back and started walking towards his car.

So that was all the noise. You weren't comprehending what was going on. Just yesterday you were telling him to leave but he came back to you.

"Dabi you need some help" you whispered to him. Once in front of the car, he opened the passenger's door and threw you in.

It was a black car. The inside was leather and black. You looked to the backseats and saw that there were bags there. He planned this out.

He closed your door and walked over to the other side. He got in the driver's seat. You stared at him.

"What?" He asked once he noticed you were staring at him. "Don't give me a what Dabi" You glared at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You asked him.

He looked at you confused before talking. "Is this proof enough that I still want you?" He said looking into your eyes.

You were struck by those words. You wanted to talk but no words came out of your mouth. "I want to be with you Y/n but you just don't see that" He continued talking.

You stared at him. Putting on his seatbelt he looked over at you. "Dollface but your seatbelt on I don't want you dying on me" He smiled.

Not knowing what else to do you put on your seatbelt quietly. "Where are you going to take me?"You asked him staring out the window.

"Who knows." He shrugged his shoulders. "We might move countries," He said it so casually. You looked over at him surprised. "What!?" You said loudly.

He chuckled at your reaction. "I'm taking you anywhere. So you won't be able to ever leave me" He turned on the car. Grabbing the steering wheel he looked over at you and winked.

"I guess I really did come to fuck up your life" He smiled as he hit the gas. You looked over at him. "I guess you fcuken did" You looked out the window.

Looking back at your now old house. You were gonna miss this place. Miss all of the friends you made. Why me? You thought. Feeling empty on the inside tears started forming in your eyes.

Dabi saw you and grabbed your thigh. Giving it a squeeze. "Don't worry. I won't kill you or harm you. I just won't let you go" He looked back to the front.

Paying attention to where he was driving. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you looked out the window.

You saw your own reflection. Seeing how fucked up you looked. Wiping away the single tear with your hand you smiled at yourself. It's okay Y/n. He won't kill you.

Still smiling you looked over at Dabi and sighed. He wasn't paying attention to you instead he kept on driving.

You faced forward and saw that you were leaving your old town already. Taking in a deep breath, you leaned back against the seat and decided to give up on life.

He really did come to fuck up my life. You said to yourself as you got mentally prepared for what was gonna come.


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