Chapter 4: Savior

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I wanted to share the song that actually inspired this whole book! Music is and has always been my biggest inspiration ♥️

•I Fell in Love with the Devil by Avril Lavigne

(TW: Talk of Sexual Abuse. This chapter has a sensitive topic that I'm sure hits close to home for some. It is something I completely understand. Please read at your own risk and there are no explicit details.)

2.2k words

*One week later*

(Y/n)'s POV
I shot up from my bed, dripping in sweat. It was another nightmare, a nightmare filled with dark memories of my time on Tatooine. Slavery is a difficult life for anyone, but no one talks about how many of us are seen as objects for sexual gratification; woman, men, children... none of us were ever safe.

Tears swelled in my eyes as I thought about the horrible acts that I suffered through. I clenched my fists in anger, I hate Watto, he had my innocence taken away from me, all for money; I'm glad he's dead.

Objects in my room shook. So, I closed my eyes to try to control my breathing, just as Vader had taught me when my emotions felt like they were too much to handle. It wasn't working as well this time, the tears fell down my cheeks and I brought my hands up to wipe them away as I continued to cry at the memories.

My door opened unannounced, startling me. The clock from my nightstand flew forward, landing on the floor by a pair of feet, breaking in the process.

I looked up to see my Master eyeing me with his mask on. I've been here for almost a week now and I still have yet to see his whole face, "What's wrong?" He asked walking inside and picking up the clock, "And do not lie and tell me nothing, I can feel your pain." He stood next to my bed and looked down at me while he set it back in its place.

I shook my head; looking away from him to hide my tear stained cheeks. I didn't want to be seen as weak, not when he is always teaching me to be strong, "It was just a nightmare."

"About?" He questioned curiously.

I peered up into his amber eyes, "Confidential." I gave him the same response he always gave me whenever he refused to tell me something.

He sat down on my bed, "I was only asking to see if you would tell me, but I think I already know what is hurting you."

My eyes widened, how could he possibly know? Unless he's been in my head, which is something I learned we could do. But he swore to me that he would allow my mind to be a safe space. He promised privacy, "Did you look?"

He shook his head, "No, I took my time when I was killing Watto. I went into his mind because I was curious about you. So I know everything there is to know." He informed me and I dropped my head down in shame and embarrassment. He must have seen things too, not just know. "Hey," He grabbed my chin and lifted it up so I could look at him. For the first time since I met him, I saw sincerity in eyes, "No one will ever touch you again. I'll kill them if they do."

This explains why anytime anyone so much as bumps into me, he loses it. Everyone in this place is afraid to even breath the same air as me now. I looked down at his hand that was currently touching my chin. He chuckled when he saw my eye movement.

"You gave me permission the day you accepted my hand." He pinched my cheek like I was a child.

He was right, I never minded his touch, I believed wholeheartedly he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Although certain behaviors made me question my safety here, I came to a realization that if he wanted to hurt me, he would have by now. All he has ever done since I've been here is protect me, he makes me feel safer than I have ever felt.

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