Chapter 9: Adventurous

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(Y/n)'s POV
"You know the rules (y/n)."

I nodded with a sad sigh, Vader was leaving for the day to go to his Death Star, "Stay out of the torture chambers, no flirting with the clones, and no leaving the property." I spoke the only three rules I had. Although I do plan to break one of these rules today; or all of them, who knows, I'm feeling adventurous.

"Good, I'll be back tonight and make sure to keep your mask on at all times, unless you're in this room."

I scrunched my face, I really don't like wearing this stupid thing, "You know you never really explained to me why we have to wear these stupid masks. No offense but they're not the most comfortable."

He chuckled as he sat down on the bed next to me, "I wear it for a more personal reason. But I make you wear it so that way no one will recognize you when you take it off."

I twisted my expression into a confused one, "I was a slave on Tatooine, no one would know me."

He shook his head, "That's not what I mean. For example, let's say something happens to me and you choose to leave and go have a normal life. You would be able to do that. No one will recognize you as Darth Vader's apprentice. Since no one actually saw the face of my apprentice. You remain a mystery." He placed his hand on my bare thigh and squeezed it, "I know it's uncomfortable, but it's for your own good."

His explanation made sense, although I didn't actually like him saying that something could happen to him. I wouldn't leave if something did either. I'd hunt down whoever took him away, to the ends of the galaxy, "Why do you wear one?"

"That's a conversation for another time." He gave me one last squeeze for standing up and turning to leave, "Oh and If you break any of those rules," He spoke to me as he walked towards the door, "There will be consequences." He looked over his shoulder at me one last time with a glint of a threat in his eyes. I nodded and he finally left the room, closing the door behind him.

I gave it a good ten minutes and then I stood up to get dressed, time to break some rules.


"Hey Rex, I have a question." I rushed over to my favorite blonde clone.

He smiled at me with a nod for a greeting, "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering, why does Vader forbid me from going down into the torture chambers?" Other than that one time I was down there with him killing Thrawn, I have yet to go there again. He's very keen on me never going down there and every time I try asking him about it, he avoids the question. Which of course only peaks my curiosity even more.

He folded his arms across his chest, "Shouldn't you be asking him about this?"

"Yeah I did and he-" I paused for a moment, "Told me to ask you." I lied the best way I could.

He narrowed his at me, "That's clearly a lie. Look, he has his reasons and don't go disobeying him. You don't need to see what's down there and if I so much as get a whisper that you were anywhere near there; I'm sorry to be that guy, but I'll tell him." He shrugged like the little tattle-tale he is. So I won't be breaking that rule today, no doubt he'll have people watching now. But I'm going to find out what's down there eventually, or who. My curious mind is gonna get me in so much trouble, but when you've been locked away your whole life and finally get a taste of freedom, you become a little too adventurous for your own good.

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