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I woke to a bright light, Carlisle looking down at me, I clutched my head as the thumping in my head won't stop. Carlisle places his hand on top of mine and said.

"That won't help your headache at all, try taking two of these" he handed me two tablets and a glass of water.

He watched me swallow the tablets and asked.

"Would you care to tell me how you got those bruises and cuts on your body?" Said Carlisle. Panic ran through me.

"Just when the crash happened." I answered nervously.

"It doesn't seem like it, these bruises look like they have been their for days, especially on the top of your arms." He said with confidence his golden eyes looking deep into my eyes.

"As I said before Dr Cul- Carlisle, I am a very clumsy person. Can't miss a table leg without tripping over." Wow, that came out better than I thought.

He still didn't buy it.

"Are you sure about that Bella? You know you can tell me anything and it will stay between you and me." Carlisle asked with concern in his eyes.

"I'm sure, thank you for your concern." I think, I added silently in my head.

He nodded quickly and said "how is your anxiety disorder, is getting better or worse."

"I-I'm not sure." I answered with uncertainty.

"Ok, well Bella you are free to go, do you need someone to drop you home or-"

"Its fine I can get home on my own thank you." I said scared for what was waiting when I get home.

"I will get Edward to bring your truck here for you." How did he know I had a truck?

"That really isn't necess-" I started.

"No problem he should be here any minute." He said picking up a clipboard with all different types of papers flying around.

"would you like some help finding your way out" he said with kind eyes.

"Its fine I can find my way out, thank you Carlisle." He smiled and nodded and I left the room.

*******car park*******

I turned round and I bumped into what felt like a statue but I looked up and saw Edward Cullen.

"I-i-i'm sorry I w-wasn't looking where I was going." I said nervously. I was about to leave when he gently grabbed my arm my heartbeat multiplied as horrible familiar memories flooded my head I swayed a little bit but then got dragged back into the present with Edward steadying me and saying.

"It's really fine, and why are you going that way your truck is over here." He said pointing to my red chevy.

"Oh yeah" i said with embarrassment "and thank you for saving me I wouldn't be here if you had hadn't" I paused remembering what I wanted to say "speaking of that how did you get over to me so fast?"

He waited and for a moment he looked nervous. "I was standing right next to you Bella, don't you remember?"

"I don't, you were standing across the parking lot with your family."

"No I wasn't" he argued back.

"Yes you were, I saw you, please don't try to pretend just tell me the truth" I asked with annoyance.

"Your not going to let this go are you?" He said with anger in his god like feature's.

"No not unless you tell me the truth, the honest truth."

"I am." And as he said that he walked off.

I looked at him confused. What's his problem? Anyway I need to get home Mr and Mrs Smith will be wondering where I am. I sighed and got in my truck.

Recognise some of the lines? Yup sorry I had to use some of the lines to make the story match the twilight book. And I know the chapters are a bit short sorry x I will hopefully be updating soon x

Please leave a comment saying what u would like to happen next x and a vote x just so you know I am team Edward just in case you didn't realise x

Ali x

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