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I walked away from Edward, why did I have to be so clumsy? He definitely knows their is something up. It's the way he looks at me, their is a slight hint of annoyance but some hint of kindness and worry for me, maybe he knows more than I thought.

Just then I got a text from Mr Smith, this is going to be bad, I started to panic. It read.

I am taking you to dinner, at Bella Italia at 6 O'clock, this will never happen again, so don't think I like you now but I just want to talk to you about our rules again.

I nearly dropped the phone. He wanted to go over the rules? I made my way to the empty table I saw at the back of the cafeteria but then out of nowhere the Cullen's came and sat down in it, I sigh and planned on sitting on the table next to them, I didn't get that far as someone grabbed my arm, I gasped loudly and Edward and his family looked at me. I spun round quickly and saw a blond haired boy with blue eyes. I realised it was Mike.

"Umm, hello Mike." I said wondering what he wanted.

"Hello." He said normally.

"Well, is there anything you wanted?" Where is this going? I thought to myself.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me and my friends today? He said trying to be nice.

"Ummm ur-" I started.
"Cool, let's go" he said dragging me by my arm.

"Ouch, could you please stop your hurting me." I felt one pair of golden eyes on me.

"Your fine come on." He said as he plopped me down on the chair.

"Are you ok?" This girl asked me "I'm Angela, sorry about Mike dragging you over their."

"Hello Angela and it's fine, I'm used to it." Did I just say that, oh no. She looked at me with curious eyes. I thought fast. "I have a cousin who does that a lot, of course he doesn't mean it but you know how they are. I recovered.

"Oh ok." She said and started a new conversation with another guy with black hair.

"Let me introduce everyone this is Jessica, Eric, Tyler, Lauren and you have already met Angela." Mike said while pointing at everyone individually. I Smiled.

"So Bella what are you doing today." Mike asked, I look around and saw Edward looking at me. We locked eye contact for at least a minute.

"Earth to Bella?" Mike said waving his hand in my face.

"What, oh umm, I am going to lunch with my guardian tonight at 6 O'clock at Bella Italia" I said my heart beat quickening.

"Oh cool have fun." The bell rung signalling the end of the day.

"Bye everyone" Jessica said. I muttered goodbye and walked off to my truck.

****Home at 5 O'clock****

I settled down to do my essay that was due in next week, better get them done now. I finished it in an hour, my alarm went of at 5:50 to remind me to leave to go to dinner with Mr Smith. I put all my books in my bag and got nervously into my truck.

I sped down the highway, my heart beating fast, on the edge of having a panic attack.

I parked in the surprisingly busy car park, if Mr Smith does plan on hurting me then he can't. There would be to many witnesses. I saw this one car that I recognise from somewhere it was a black Volvo but I can't remember who owns it.

I got out the car and walked in.

"Hello how may I help you today." A young woman asked with a happy tone.

"Oh I was just waiting For someone has there been a person come in under the name of Smith?" I asked awkwardly.

"Right this way" she said poshly.

She lead me to a small private area with a few couples and families around there I saw Mr Smith sitting down with a frown upon his face.

"Would you like anything?" She said lightly.

Mr Smith answered for me.

"Bella here will have some water and I will have a pint of beer, thank you" he said confidently.

She looked at me and I nodded.

"Coming right up." She said happily and gave me a look.

"Sit down" he said grumpily.

"W-what did you want to talk about?" I asked nervously.

Behind him I saw the eyes of Edward and Carlisle Cullen. Oh no, what are they doing here? They sat down and immediately caught the attention of every single woman in the room.

"I just wanted to say that you shall not have anything to do with those Cullen boys and girls for that matter, their father is a Doctor and a very good one at that, he has worked miracles and will discover what I do to you."

I nodded and looked over at the Cullen's. He grabbed my hands on the table. My eyes widened in shock.

"Were you even listening?" He said in an angry voice.

"Yes sir." He tightened his grip on my wrists. I whimpered.

"Excuse me could you let go of Bella's hands please." Carlisle said while Edward starred at Mr Smith.

He let go roughly and said. "Do you have any right to do this."

"Well as her doctor, it is my duty to make her feel safe and happy." Carlisle said while looking at the fading bruises on my arm.

"We don't need your help thank you." Mr Smith said while dragging my arm out the door with him.

Suddenly Edward was there in front of him "I suggest that you let go of her arm before we call the police" he said in a harsh voice. My arm was squeezed hard then dropped. At this point we were outside near Mr Smiths car.

"Bella will come with us now." Carlisle said moving forward.

"No she is staying with me." Mr Smith said grabbing me on the shoulder which made me stumble back.

"Stop it." I said tearing up. He pushed me onto the ground, but I never felt a hard surface on my face, then I opened my eyes to Edward looking down at me, I smiled.

Mr Smith attempted to pull me up but Carlisle grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Me and you are going to the station, Edward take Bella to our house." Carlisle said quickly. I felt the surface beneath me disappear and I looked up to see Edward carrying me to the car. I put my seatbelt on and thanked him.

"Are you ok Bella?"  He said with worried eyes.

why me? (twilight fanfiction) 🌙Where stories live. Discover now