~ two ~

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The bus had stopped suddenly, you slowly open your eyes taking everything around you. You look over to your left and saw Suga and realize that your head is on his shoulder, your eyes wide, and quickly lift your head. Suga look over at you and smiles.

"Welcome back Y/N," Suga said with a grin and you just nodded. You glance out the window and saw that we're at a gas station.

"Mr. Ukai said we have to stop to get some gas. We'll be back on the road in 15 minutes." Suga said. "Should we go outside and stretch our body?" Suga asks with his fine smile.

"Yeah that would be nice, my butt hurt from sitting too long." You said and Suga burst out laughing. You stand up and follow him out of the bus.

"Well look at our sleepyhead, finally awake." Tsuki teases you, you give him a middle finger and stick out your tongue at him. He just smirks.

Not long after Daichi came out of the store and gave us all the meat buns that he had brought. You thank him and he gave you a smile in return.

You went and sat down on a bench to eat your food while waiting for Ukai to finish up with the bus. Hinata came and sat next to you, cause apparently, Kageyama keep ignoring him, which is normal. You gave him a small grin.

"Y/N?" Hinata spoke.

"Yes?" You answered.

"Have you ever play volleyball?" You look at him in confusion, did not expect him to ask that, but to be fair it was just a simple question. He smiles at you and taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Well, I-" Before I could say anything I saw a turquoise ish bus pull up at the second section of the gas station.

"Aoba Johsaj," Kageyama growls while standing next to you. You realize that it was the school that Kageyama didn't get into. You look at him wanting to ask but didn't wanna bring it up.

You look back towards the bus and seeing every member of the volleyball team step out of the bus. You don't know anything about them, you know a bit because Kageyama and Hinata always talk about them. In not so good way.

The last person steps out. You're lying if you said he wasn't handsome, which he is, but never in a million years, you would say that out loud.

"Long time no see, Tobio." A voice boom out saying Kageyama's name. The voice is coming from a boy with messy yet well-groomed light brown hair boy and chocolate brown eyes, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Same goes for you, Oikawa," Kageyama said in a low annoyed tone. You can see that he is clenching his fist.

It finally came to you that the name Oikawa is the captain of a boy volleyball team, Aoba Johsaj. You were so slow to even realize that it was him. Kageyama never told you what he looks like, so how would you have known.

"Wow, I've would not have guessed that we would meet here." He laughs historically. "Out of all places." He eventually calms down, but there's still a slight laugh coming out.

"Wait it's this the Oikawa I been told about?" You whispered to Kageyama with amusement and looking over at Oikawa examining him. Sure he is attractive, but he doesn't seem all that special.

"Yeah," Kageyama replied from beside you, narrowing his eyes towards Oikawa. You just nodded, not caring really.

"I guess we haven't met, my name is Oi-" He was about to finish his sentence but you cut him off.

"Oikawa Turoo, yeah I know you." You spoke not bothering to apologize for cutting him off.

"Okay? What about yo-" A sound of a loud smack from Oikawa had brought your attention behind him. The guy behind him has spiky dark brown hair with deep brown eyes, and it seems he was the one who hits Oikawa.

"Ouch! what was that for?!" Oikawa cries out in pain turning to the guy. But the spiky hair guy does not seem to care.

"Hurry up and get on the bus shittykawa. We already finish putting gas in. Let's go!" The spiky hair guy grabs the collar of Oikawa's shirt and dragged him back to the bus, Oikawa wink at you before their step into the bus. Without saying another word the bus drove away.

"Well that was not weird at all," Tanaka said sarcastically and you blurt out a little chuckle.

"Okay everyone, back on the bus. We should get there around 8. We rest here long enough." Ukai yelled at us to get on the bus.

You stand up stretching, looking over at Kageyama. He seems to be lost in thought. You guess that it must have been a surprise for him to bump into them unexpectedly.

You just shake the thought off and grabbed Kageyama by the arm and drag him towards the bus. Kageyama looks at you in surprise, but he didn't seem to mind you dragging him. He has a small smile on his lip, which he quickly covers with a boring look when both of them got on the bus.

You decided to sit next to Sugawara again, cause he is already your bus buddy. You look at the time on your watch and it read 6:55 am. Another two hours and you be there.

"Can I use your shoulder as a pillow?" You ask Suga, feeling tired all over again.

"Suit yourself." He said giving you a bright smile of his. You just nod and lay your head on his shoulder.

You close your eyes. Not long after you fell into another deep peaceful sleep.

Sugawara looks over at you, he let out a tiny chuckle and falls asleep himself.

this is a pretty long chapter, sorry <3

hope you enjoy it!


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