~ twelve ~

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"Come on guys you can do more push up than that." Coach Ukai yelled out to all the members of Karasuno team.

"Coach my arms is killing me." Hinata whine while lying face down flat on the floor.

"Shut up boke." Kageyama grunt, still doing his pushups. Don't know how he can still keep his momentum.

You chuckled to yourself, getting the water bottle ready for when they done with that hardcore warm up. You realise all the water bottle are basically empty, you put all water bottles in a basket carrying it towards the water fountain on the side of the gymnasium.

While making your way there you saw Ushijima putting his head under water tap rinsing his dark olive hair.

"Hey your the guy that bump in to me" You gesture looking up at him.

"Oh yeah my bad." He bow apologetically with no emotion on his face what so ever.

You are abit taken back, most of the volleyball guys here are so out there but him, he just so...how do you put it. Introvert.

You stand there awkwardly, deciding not to say anything and went to fill up the water bottles.

"Y/N right?" Ushijima called out, which you were surprise that he even know ur name.

"Yeah that's me. How you know?" You question him, since you never told him your name.

"You're basically famous here." Ushijima said shrugging he's shoulders.

"What? No way!" You said shaking it off. "I'm not that popular." You laughed

"I was talking to a few guys, they won't stop talking about you and how hot you are." He confirmed, you can see a little smirk on his face. Your face turn abit red.

"Well what can I say? They can't resist me." You chuckled brush your hair behind your ear. You of course were only joking.

Not really.

"Yeah you're not wrong." Ushijima said low-key looking you up and down. Okay you don't think he was joking.

"Well thanks." You wink at him. You weren't expecting the up and down look.

"I'm going, see ya." He said turning away walking back inside. Before he does you caught a hint of pink cheeks on his face.

Decided to brush it off you continued what you were doing. What the hell was that? You thought to yourself. What are you supposed to say to that. Your face turn red again. He is a very intimidating man, but he so quiet. You're surprise he even spoke to you.

"Hey little owl." Your thought got interrupted by a voice from behind you. You recognised that voice. Turning around to see Bokuto who was walking towards you.

"Oh hey Bokuto." You wave at him. He's looking a little sad.

"What you up to." He curious on what you were doing.

"Filling up some water bottles. Aren't you meant to be training right now?" You narrowed your eyes. He let out a deep breath.

"I kept messing up my spike, so i came out here to cool my head." He grab a water bottle from the bucket and help started filling it up.

"Aww you'll get better i just know it." You reassured him. You can see Bokuto face lighten up abit more. "Bokuto you don't have to fill them up, i can do it." You trying to take the bottle from him

"No I want to." He said firm with a huge smile.

"Well thank you." You gently ruffled his hair.

"Oi easy there on the hair, you know how long this took me." He carefully fixing his hair.

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