Newt Request #1

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A/N Hey Gladers! Sorry it's been so long since my last update on this book! I'll try and make a part 3 to arriving in the glade soon! But for now, here's a request from @Briona. Enjoy :)


I awoke to the sounds of metal grinding against metal, the sickening sound making me cringe. I sat up, my back sore. Then I noticed something. Why am I in a metal lift? Where the bloody hell am I?

As I'm thinking, I feel the lift halt. I look up, only to be blinded by the streaming sunlight. I calm just make out faces of boys, young ones at that. Teenagers (A/N scare the living shit outa me - if you get that I love you) at that. I think I used to be a sassy person, because I call up to them: "Hey, are you gonna help me up or are you gonna let me stay here with you all staring at me?"

It was as if I turned on a switch in their brains. They lowered a rope that I climbed up with ease. They kept staring at me when I got up, landing on some soft grass. I looked around me, slightly dazed. There was four walls surrounding the grass covered area which we were standing in. The boys looked confused as I looked around.

"Where am I?" I ask them. "We call it the Glade. And sorry, but why are you a girl?" Another blonde boy asked. He had a British accent like me, while the others seemed to be American. "Because I am...?" I said, more of a question than a statement. "Why?"

"Well, it's a little odd. It's been boys for the last 2 years, you see shank." Another boy told me. "Alright shuck-faces! Get back to work!" He yelled. He seemed to be the leader of the place, because they all followed his order. "I'm Alby. That's Newt. This is the Glade." He told me, introducing the British boy from before who was still standing beside him. I shook their hands.

"Right Newt, can you give her the tour? I need to go check on the builders, apparently they messed up a wall." Newt nodded and Alby walked away. "So, as you know, I'm Newt. What's your name?" He asked. I looked at him properly this time. He had a square jaw and his blonde hair was ruffled. I had to shake myself out of my daydream.

"I'm Y/N." I held out my hand for him, which he shook. He then proceed to show me around the place they called the Glade. I noticed that he walked with a limp. Hm, I wonder how he got that? I'll ask him later.

Once the tour finished, he took me to the kitchen to get some food. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I ate my sandwiches without pausing. Newt laughed at me, a bright happy sound. "Gee Greenie, might wanna slow down. You don't want to be sick on the first day." He told me, laughing.

After dinner he took me to the place he called the homestead. "You're lucky Greenie. You're a girl, so you get your own room. Congratulations." Said Newt sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and headed in, closing and locking the door behind me.

When I woke up, it was by banging on the door. "Wake up Greenie! I get the day off, so I get to show ya around. Get changed and be quick!" A voice yelled through the door. I didn't recognise it, but I just decided I'd ask who it was later.

Once I was changed, I opened the door only to meet the eyes of a boy right next to the door. He was Asian, with black hair and muscled arms that were folded, a smirk on his face. "Finally, If you were any longer I would've had to come in to see if you had spontaneously died from my yelling."

I didn't say anything, just followed him when he walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "I'm Minho by the way, and Newt told me your name." I blush slightly. He only told him my name, it doesn't mean anything, my mind tells me. I elect to ignore it and cling onto hope as I sit down next to the boy - Minho - and Newt.

"Y/N! I missed you!" Newt said, hugging me. I smiled, my cheeks going red again. "Nice to see you too Newt." I told him. Minho coughed. "Where's my hug Newt?" He asked innocently. Newt just hit him on the arm. Minho suddenly looked like he had an awesome, or at least, in his mind awesome, idea.

He put his arm around me. I frowned at him, trying to get out of his iron grip, but to no avail. "Hey Y/N, can I get a kiss?" He asked, smirking. Newt stood up. "I think I'm gonna go, uh, help at the gardens." He sad, before walking away quickly.

As soon as he was out of sight, Minho removed his arm and grinned at me. "What was that?" I ask him. "That was me testing a theory. He totally likes you! I'm gonna be matchmaker." He said excitedly. I was confused. "Minho, what do you-" Minho covered my mouth before I could finish

"I can tell you like him and be likes you. So I'm going to set you guys up! Come on!" He removed his hand and dragged me to the gardens where Newt was working. "Hey Newt, I know you like Y/N! She likes you to! Now, kiss!" He said excitedly, pushing me forward where I stumbled into Newt's arms.

Minho started chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" And soon, the other Gladers working in the gardens stopped and chanted to. I was embarrassed, to say the least, and Newt wasn't looking me in the eye. Eventually I just decided to get it over with and please the crowd. So I grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely. And I can honestly say, even though I have no memories, I know that was the best kiss I ever had.


Hope you liked the request! Comment what you though, private message me suggestions for the next one!
See ya soon!
- LivingLovelyLies

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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